Some of you people, whew. Lol.
About your meme: Bioweapon I and Bioweapon II combined with another stolen election, plus massive inflation doesn't ring of 'patriots in control of anything.' The lower middle-class and the working poor are being ground to dust.
>Forced cognizance upon an unknowing and unwilling populace by back door manipulation of mass media.
I see. It seems to be going about as well as Oceans Gate's business model.
>Q was a "diversity hire"
I still think it was a panic, Hail Mary stunt to divulge a bunch of quasi-esoteric insights and keep Trump supporters (of a type) engaged. I'm sure it ran on much longer than they'd planned but in the end they ditched it. Its done and then some.
Can they drag this out until next November?
>drain the swamp
No wall, no deportations either. Covid response was a complete atrocity. It would have been best to do nothing, like the Amish and Swedes.