Went out to my car about two years ago, heard my neighbor, a 50 year old black guy, in his house over 20 years, about 250 feet away from where I was standing, in his yard yelling at somebody: "FUCK DONALD TRUMP!"
I took my white ass Dilbert on my black neighbors during the Obama years, because they were all feeling it, so I just went to minding my own business and leave 'em to work it out.
Looked over to see he was yelling at his early 20s son: "Don't even TRY to tell me that Donald fucking Trump is the good guy!"
In that moment, I knew I had spotted an Anon in the wild, and just smiled to go about my business.
Talked with the neighbor a few months ago: "Oh no …nobody in this house took their vax. We don't know what is going on -but we know they lied."
I'm quite confident that normies are waking up, and that Anons are doing God's work.