>baker seeking handoff
down at the corner of first and main
the old same place
around back in the alley
still $2
>baker seeking handoff
down at the corner of first and main
the old same place
around back in the alley
still $2
>risky location.
maybe you prefer the same old place
down at the corner of wood street and palmer ave?
have i got a job opportunity for youn'sโฆ.
posted on linkedin
>Tell me what that is again.
make silly pictures on your computer and post them to social media, then wait for God to strike the evil ones down with lightning bolts.
>Forced cognizance upon an unknowing and unwilling populace by back door manipulation of mass media.
retarded plan
better plan: force cognizance on populace with 24/7 televised tribunals showing hard evidence presented
>I see. It seems to be going about as well as Oceans Gate's business model.
Q was a "diversity hire"
>They would not believe what they were shown, at least not yet
THAT is unfounded baseless SPECULATION
do you even know the difference between a fact and an opinion?
cognitive dissonance doesn't just affect libtards
>Not speculation, simple observation of normies on a daily basis
they believed covid, orange man bad, tranny good, bidan won
they believe ANYTHING that comes thru the TV.
>keep Trump supporters (of a type) engaged
was never a trump supporter prior to Q appearing on the chans
voted against HRC, not for DJT
didn't expect much
got slightly better than expectations
but failed bigly on the ONE promise that mattered
>Oh so that's why the globalist cult considers Anons enemy #2 after Q+/Q,
i have no PROOF of that and neither do you
the fact that this place ISN'T shut down argues AGAINST your fantasy
>The lower middle-class and the working poor are being ground to dust.
just wait until the french riots start here
and they start drafting the poor to send to ukraine
even THAT will not wake zombies
NOTHING will wake zombies so long as the TV remains on
the ZL-1 aluminum block 427 was not available in 1966. the only corvettes with factory ZL1 power were built in 1969, and there was a grand total of three made. many more factory ZL1 camaros out there.
if this is as described, it's a mod
still above my pay grade
so fucking predictableโฆ
i add a dose of reality to the discussion, and automatically i'm one of "THEM."
was doing this shit before your daddy learned to jerk off, you stupid faggot
>The way they've come after him, outed them.
they played it up that way because they knew that's exactly what we expected,
and we would see that as "proof" the DJT was really the enemy of our enemy
when in fact, he's part of THEIR plan
as i look around, i see lots of point on their side of the scoreboard and none on ours
just sayin'โฆ..
sure seems like the great reset is right on track
>we're still here nyah nyah
>That is a Q proof.
8kun is running proves we're winning
potato in WH and white Christians killing white Christians in ukraine, all funded by jews proves they're losing.
cognitive dissonance much?
you are the one making baseless statements with zero evidence
i don't need to "disprove" your post
YOU need to prove it
one minute you say they rewrite history all the time
the next you say they're powerless to shut down one pissy little website
which is it?
>Have to "show them"
how's that working out for ya, JACKASS?
get yer head outta yer ass and look around
normies are NOT waking up
they're just more convinced than ever that they're right
DAMN yer fucking stoopit
>WE know who you are
you know JACKSHIT
here's a meme for ya
start with a pic of yourself
and add the caption
>don't realize when anons are baiting you.
yer right, i gotta concede that YOU are a master baiter