Anonymous ID: ca44be July 7, 2023, 4:01 a.m. No.19137929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7931

<old dig

>It's a year later, how's she doing with that diplomacy?

Ambassador [Marie L. Yovanovitch] |Kyrgyzstan/2007

Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan [Marie L. Yovanovitch], is butt hurt because the Kyrgyz Ombudsman's

Office wants to know WTF these NGO's and foreign governments are up to. [Yovanovitch], it's plain

to see, is resisting oversight and accountability. Why are these f*ckers so secreitive?

I decided to dig on Freedom House and see WTF

>A few of the NGO's/Governments in this cable; USAID, IREX, ACCELS, NDI, IRI, UK's Department

>for International Development, Germany's GTZ, the Swiss Cooperation Office and Freedom House.


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