Mike Gill doesn't trust him either.
Please kys, napoleon. You are the dumbest one here but you think you are the smartest. Evil IS separate from God. Evil is the pinching off from God. We have FREE WILL, you retarded piece of shit. GOD IS LOVE and pure positive energy, one can CHOOSE to think thoughts (fear) that pinch one off from that pure positive energy and the thoughts turn to what we call evil but there is NOT a SOURCE OF EVIL, you dumb ass. There is ONLY A SOURCE OF LOVE and we have the freedom to choose to resist that.
In your kitchen you have a light switch that allows the flow of electrical current to power the light bulb or you can turn the switch off and RESIST the current. You don't flip the switch to turn the light off and then dark mist starts to fill the room from a source. THE DEVIL IS POWERLESS, faggot. Your "god" is POWERLESS and ONLY has the ability to persuade. It has no arms and no legs and was made to crawl on its belly. The arms and legs of it are the weak ones who RESIST GOD and were led astray by the devil's persuasion but God is still calling them to come back if they want to because that is ALL there is. Faith/love feels good. Fear/punishment feel good, ALWAYS. GOD FEELS GOOD ALWAYS. Fear/doubt/worry feel bad always because they are pinching off the Source. Now, PLEASE KYSF.
>>19139066 me
*fear/punishment feel bad, always
I meant. That's Guidance whether one is ALLOWING GOD to flow through or pinching it off, which is the ABSENCE OF ALLOWING GOD's love to flow through and we call that "evil." Actions follow thoughts/beliefs. Please kys Napoleon. You have nothing to offer.