Might be time to change the name to Qanon Research.
Qanon research board.
anon the second I saw that video of that lady spazing I believed her although I then realized it was bad acting. A psyop some would say.
Every other summer or so this happens. The sunsets are absolutely spectacular.
I wonder how many bonds have been issued against me?
Who is the vendor they are required to buy from for that price?
Would love to know what they are researching.
$23.30 is spot. The amount of silver they need they wouldn't have to pay $6.70 over spot. That's steep.JM has silver rounds for $27.
When you buy at spot you will know.
Bring this kvetch to the next qanon board meeting.
We lost our leader in a motor cycle accident yesterday so I am not sure. Austin? Can you do represent us now?
In comparison to the Bush's or Clinton's why is Carter considered a terrible president?
What are those people worshiping?
I'm certain Carter is Q. Notice how Q hasn't posted since Carter took the turn for the worse? Besides Trump Carter didn't get an envelop.
Hospice is also very well trained on getting all the dangerous meds the patient was on before the loved ones get there and steal it all. Safe disposal of narcotics is top priority for them.
Back in Hollywood heyday what was the average opening ticket sales like? Is 2 million considered a lot?
Today I am Qanon. Feelz good guys. Been a long haul. Many of us went through some serious dark shit to realize how bad it is. To come to the conclusion this child abuse goes all the way to the top and has been for a long time and the perversion is actually a religion is not an easy pill to swallow. This movie scratches the surface of how bad it is.
What's going on in France? I saw some videos at beginning of the week but it seems to have died down due to no chatter.
I don't have tik tok.