Anonymous ID: 820cfa June 26, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.1914341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4392 >>4409 >>4420 >>4519

via Nesy Simonpietri-Bedoya , "this is the update of Obama…He has been frozen of $400million dollars. He is being requested to reimburse the Nobel Prize award reason being a No Non-Citizen cannot be elected to President of the United States. .I was born in PR, I am an American Citizen BUT I am precluded from running as President even if I live in NC and paid my taxes to IRS since it has to be naturally born in the USA. He paid $920,000 in one attorney legal retainer fee of 12 attorneys he has. Obama legacy as President #44 will be annulled and void and money he will still owe to reimburse of what he stole from the USA via his corruption they expect for George Soros to pay for this since he is a conspirator in the entire corruption case. Obama is hunting all over the world for " asylum " and so far Cuba will not give it because we will hunt Raul Castro. Venezuela will not grant it because Maduro is aware we will hunt him also. Iran is in the middle of a civilization protest which increases by days. Kenya will not allow Obama to get asylum because the Kenyan President went to the WH and asked to buy 2 Boing 747 and Trump will cooperate with this old man. As I am telling you this his Presidential Pension is being stopped and voided since he was elected based on fraudulent information again since he is not a USA born american citizen. He was not born in Hawaii either. The entire fraud and the people involved to bring Obama to the WH will have a due day in Court. I understand that Vallerie Jarret is cooperating with the government. The needed info to file charges against John Kerry are complete and they expect to charge him any time now. The last move is wednesday with Strzok testifying and FBI and DOJ RR AND THEN JULIN ASSANGE WILL COME OPENLY TO TESTIFY IN FRONT ON NUNEZ. This will be the last clap since Comey was the person via a note that asked the Committee attorney not to work with Julian Assange in exchange of a pardon. Julian Assange has the info needed to provide the way the 350,000 emails from Hillary were hacked and it was not thru Russian sources. We have now in our hands the mission to protect ourselves those that voted for Trump since they are going lethal against us."

Anonymous ID: 820cfa June 26, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.1914735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

