Anonymous ID: b7c08d June 26, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1914678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717 >>4742 >>4748 >>4784 >>4821

Today was MASSIVE IMO…..


POTUS floats the no income tax/gold standard/reset out there more or less…


Mattis is "reportedly" on the outs with POTUS…


What does that all mean, POTUS is starting in on the FED…


NO coincidence it's the end of the fiscal 2nd quarter, schools out, it's summer time… now's the time to do it, if you're going to bring down a system, you're not doing it near the election or in the middle of winter, and the Roths will do it themselves by then after the election if you wait… very desperate.


With Mattis getting distanced from POTUS it's setting up the military to be as impartial as possible for the tribunals, Kelly was a month ago. If we're already at Mattis…


It's got to be almost the real show time.


I think that we the escalation of violence ramping up, Q has upped the fucking pace big time.



Anonymous ID: b7c08d June 26, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.1914913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4916 >>4919

Just start doing AMA's as an ex-Shill/Slide on Reddit etc…


Doesn't matter if it's not true, if you pretend to be one and list their tactics online, people are then aware of these things online.


They will no longer no left from right as doubt creeps in….


"AMA I'm a Russia Bot work worked in R/Canada/USA etc….."


Haha their power/spin is useless if normal people are aware of them.