Anonymous ID: d8a2c3 June 26, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.1914356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1914317 (lb)

i'm not following. you know about adrenochrome and the cabal being satanists and murdering/raping children? that is why we are here


dont worry anon if you are not that religious, you will get there at your own pace

Anonymous ID: d8a2c3 June 26, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.1914467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


perfect idea BO for a test run!


apprentice bakers can still bake while tripcode bakers keep dick and gather notables until training is complete


is the jury still out on ESS baker and metalbaker?