Anonymous ID: daa28a June 26, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.1914509   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4535 >>4593 >>4613 >>4619 >>4642 >>4656


Not trying to concernfag here, but really, what the hell is Q and team waiting for. Is this all just some elaborate psyop? Trying to trust the plan, but how can you trust the plan if you don't know the plan?


Soon enough they won't be able to walk down the streetโ€ฆ but right NOW I am afraid to walk down the street in many cases.


I grew up as white minority in middle school and it wasn't pretty. Got the shite beat out of me many many times by many races and cultures. This is the future they want for Euro and American-Euro children. That is clear.


Been trusting that Trump and Q team would help right the ship but dang it is getting hard to keep the faith seeing how crazy left wing nuts are getting and poisoning the young people.

Anonymous ID: daa28a June 26, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1915004   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5039


Maxine and Pelosi always looked and acted crazy. Nothing new there. Go back and listen to them in the past.


If the other side was scared why would they be so bold to expose those ICE agents. They are not worried at all from what I can tell. Name one case where one of the bad guys has been made an obvious example? Name one case where any bad guy has been publically exposed and brought down. I can't think of any. Nobody looks worried one bit.


CEOs and congressmen resigning, fine, but no obvious crimnal justice action or even public exposure of any crimes at all so far. Nothing. The leftest are freaking animals of destruction and they are running amock. Took my kids to be beach the other day and trannies everywhere. Turn on radio this morning and some idiot talking about Cisgenders and inclusiveness.


Left has no fear. Their leaders no fear, no punishment. Nothing. No arrests. They own Hollywood, radio, TV, netflix, everything. From what I can tell young people are by far lefties.


Was searching for auto insurance quotes and all companies had mixed race families on thier homepages. The left is running the show right now. How do we change that trend and radically change future generations perception of reality wihtout huge and obvious exposure of lefist crimes and their leadership exposed and arrested?