Anonymous ID: b25821 July 8, 2023, 1:35 a.m. No.19143227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bulgaria: Nationwide Police Operation against Illegal Migration

July 7, 2023, Friday //11:07


A specialized police operation against illegal migration has been launched across the country, BNR reported.


The police, together with the prosecutor's office, will attack the so-called "Havalari".


Today's operation by uniformed officers and prosecutors is aimed at the people who actually carry out the financial transactions of the channelers. Illegal migrants pay extremely large sums to reach Western Europe, illegally through Bulgaria, namely through the so-called "Havalari", the traffickers manage to get these funds.


The operation comes a month after the cabinet took office. Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov announced the fight against illegal migration as his priority.


Bulgaria: 10 People were Detained for Migrant Trafficking in a Police Operation today

July 7, 2023, Friday //17:45


10 people were detained for illegal migrant trafficking during the specialized operation against illegal migration from today, BNT reported. 9 of them were detained by "Border Police", the tenth - by the Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs.


These are individual cases of illegal migrant trafficking. Separate pre-trial proceedings have been established. The nationwide operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office took place throughout the country on two fronts - against the traffickers themselves and against the so-called "Havalari", who deal with the financial transactions of the trafficers.


One person detained by the Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs is a Romanian citizen. He has already been detained for 72 hours.


In terms of financial crimes, 18 locations were checked, mainly in Sofia and Harmanli, and these agencies took part: Main Directorate "Fighting Organized Crime", Main Directorate "National Police", Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs, National Revenue Agency, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, Regional Health Inspectorate.


Some of the crime sites have been sealed, others have been issued administrative violations by various institutions.

Anonymous ID: b25821 July 8, 2023, 3:44 a.m. No.19143448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World's first robot-human press conference at UN AI summit | Dt Next


Robots presented at an AI forum said on Friday (July 7) they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans' jobs or rebel against us.


But, in the world's first human-robot press conference, they gave mixed responses on whether they should submit to stricter regulation. The nine humanoid robots gathered at the 'AI for Good' conference in Geneva, where organizers are seeking to make the case for Artificial Intelligence and the robots it is powering to help resolve some of the world's biggest challenges such as disease and hunger.

4min28 sec long


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