Anonymous ID: f68b6f July 8, 2023, 1:40 a.m. No.19143233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3242

Mira Pleiadian High Council: You Are a Part of the Magic and Miracles


Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and a long term member of the Earth Council. We oversee all things of importance and especially the ascension process, that is occurring now on the planet.


Since we last spoke, a lot has happened to uplift the Earth and help you become your truly amazing quantum selves. We cannot disclose everything because some things have to be kept close to the heart. I can reveal the light is closing in on the dark. Much cleanup has occurred in this process and it is at an accelerated point. Please mark my words about how important it is for you to know this and to hold the light of the Creator in your heart.


Focus on the breath to help release the past. See everything that is bright, sparkly and new everywhere you look. You are creating the new.


You are a part of the magic and miracles.


You have spectacles awaiting you. You could be seeing ships, colors, activities, faces, messages in the sky and hear holy music from the cosmic choirs. These are precursors to the love waves that you are beginning to experience. What matters is that you stay aware and look around you. Notice everything. Do not expect others of lower consciousness to see what you see. It is there for you as markers of your rising consciousness.


Be bold with your steps up the ascension ladder. You are being guided by Source every step of the way. The process is natural and of perfect design. Your physical bodies are changing and you can notice this as well. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. You have immense changes. See what is happening with your animals, plants, flowers, trees and others around you. They are also ascending and rising in consciousness.


Pay particular attention to how the old world is crumbling. You may be experiencing the challenges of the third dimension falling apart. Notice how you are functioning. For some of you, your body is in a much higher frequency so that when you have to deal with the material world it becomes choppy energetically.


This will not go on forever. We know that it feels endless and sometimes it can be exasperating. Remember the old story is going away opening the gateway for the whole New Earth in the 5th dimension and higher. What you see now is changing from moment to moment and day by day. You are no longer in the third dimension. The old way of life has disappeared. Let it go! It was not serving you or the rest of life on the planet. It was only serving those who are serving themselves. They will no longer be able to withstand this high frequency of love in the quantum energy of the Earth.


We surround you with the luminescence of creation. The ascension is being conducted with all of the emissaries of light, billions of galactics, Angelics, avatars and masters, Light Crew and the ground crew in the take down of the dark forces of the planet. Standby because this is going to become powerfully noticeable. Please remember it has to be done this way. The Creator is in charge, along with many brilliant strategists in human and other forms, who have been planning this for a long time.


I am Mira loving you with all my heart.


**Channel: Valerie Donner

Anonymous ID: f68b6f July 8, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.19143263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3455

The 9D Arcturian Council: Your Mission of Becoming Human/ET Ambassadors


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are always looking for new ambassadors, humans who are willing to serve as the go-betweens for extra-terrestrials and the rest of the human society there on Earth. We know that many of you are looking for a purpose, that many of you are confused about what you are doing there and what you are supposed to be doing, and there are many who wonder what their role will be in the future, as humanity becomes a part of a galactic community with many other beings from many other star systems, and even galaxies.


The role of ambassador will need to be filled by many, and those of you who are extremely excited about meeting e.t.s in the flesh are the ideal candidates for those positions. You will be able to explain to the e.t.s you meet on ships and on other worlds, and even on Earth, what happened, how humanity got to where it is today. Right now, you are doing a lot of observing and less participating. You are there to notice what motivates the average human and how the various dysfunctions got started in your society. You can do this without placing judgments on people and on the entirety of humankind. That will be important because you will also need to advocate for your people.


There will be, of course, an understanding, but also some misconceptions that the e.t.s have of what exactly has occurred there on Earth to lead to the place where you are now, and also, you will be evolving continuously from now until the time when these meetings are happening in your waking state. You are already meeting with e.t.s at night when you are asleep in the astral plane, and you are having these types of conversations, and a lot of that is practice for when you will be doing it in the flesh. Even if you don’t remember these interactions, they are having an impact upon you. You are getting better at practicing diplomacy, understanding how to communicate and how to connect with e.t. beings in a respectful way and in a way that benefits all.


So you see, if you have the desire to connect with e.t.s, coupled with that intention for everyone to thrive, then you have the right ingredients inside of you to become an ambassador, and we will continue to work with you and work on you as well, so that you can be the best ambassadors you can possibly be, and represent all of humankind with grace and dignity, with an understanding of what people need in order to heal and in order to become their true selves.


Full and open e.t. contact will be a big part of your spiritual evolution that enables you then to be ready to complete the shift. And trust us when we say that you don’t want to skip over all the fun and go right to the fifth dimension, where open e.t. contact is of course a given. This next phase that you are stepping into will be so much fun, so joyous, and so enlightening, and that is as your existence ought to be.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.


**Channel: Daniel Scranton