Anonymous ID: 2c7872 July 8, 2023, 2:51 p.m. No.19146167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8 Jul, 2023 19:08

Hell on Earth: A mercenary’s life in Ukraine

Foreign fighters are expected to survive a mere four hours in battle


The conflict in Ukraine has drawn in thousands of foreign mercenaries, motivated by glory and, in the Kremlin’s words, the chance to “earn money by killing Slavs.” However, those lucky enough to come out alive have described life on the front lines as miserable and short.

Three days after Russian troops entered Ukraine last February, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky put out an appeal for foreigners willing to take up arms against Moscow’s forces. Potential recruits visited Ukrainian embassies across the West and signed up to fight – often with the blessing of their own governments – and made their way to the battlefield.

Losses were immediate, and horrific. Two weeks after Zelensky’s appeal, a Russian missile strike on a training center at Yavoriv, near the Polish border, killed up to 180 foreign mercenaries, whoseposition was reportedly given away by social media posts.

"The Legion was wiped out in one fell swoop,"a Brazilian shooting instructor said in a Twitter video as he fled to Poland after the strike. “I didn't know what a war was.”

Of the initial recruits who survived the attack, one Briton described how his Ukrainian commanders were “sending untrained guys to the front with little ammo and s**t AKs and they’re getting killed.” Posting on Reddit, theBrit described Ukraine’s ‘International Legion’ as “totally outgunned” and run by “a few crazy Ukrainian leaders.”

The International Legion shifted to hiring foreigners with military backgrounds shortly afterwards, and an influx of Western weapons alleviated some of its equipment issues. However, the threat of violent death has remained a constant in the lives of its members.

“I have one word to describe it and it’s just hell,” a Canadian mercenary told CBC Newslast May. “Every day you’re getting casualties, and every day your friends are getting killed,”he explained, adding that most of his missions in the Donbass region involved recovering bodies fallen in the previous day’s fighting.

For veterans of US wars in the Middle East, adapting to an enemy like Russia has proven difficult. Earlier this year, an Australian mercenary fighting against Wagner Group forces in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) described the Russian private military company as a “near peer” opponent to any Western military, while several Americans have reported Russian shelling as orders of magnitude more intense than anything they experienced in their previous combat tours.

"[The artillery] is nonstop," a former US Marine told ABC News in February. "It's been nonstop. All day and night.The life expectancy is around four hours on the frontline."

“This is my third war I’ve fought in, and this is by far the worst one,” another former Marine toldThe Daily Beast last week. “You’re getting fking smashed with artillery, tanks. Last week I had a plane drop a bomb next to us, like 300 meters away. It’s horrifying st.”

Those behind the front are often just as likely to be killed. As many as 20 foreign mercenaries, including several Colombians and at least one American, died in a Russian missile strike on a temporary brigade base in the Donbass city of Kramatorsk last month.“If we discover such gatherings, for example, as in Kramatorsk, we will destroy them, because these are people who have declared war on us,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after the strike.

By April 2022 there were just under7,000 foreign mercenariesfrom 63 countries operating in Ukraine, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. ByMay of this year, that number had fallen to 2,500. It is unclear how many foreigners have been killed, captured, or deserted since last April.

With theUkrainian military reportedly unwilling to collect even its own deadalong hot sectors of the front line, the families of foreign fighters can wait for months for closure. This was the case for the family of Irishman Finbar Cafferkey, whose remains were found near Artyomovsk this week, three months after he was reported dead. According to the Irish Times, “it may be months” before Ukrainian authorities return Cafferkey’s body to Ireland.

For those captured alive, the situation is no less severe. Mercenaries are not entitled to any protections under the Geneva Convention..

Anonymous ID: 2c7872 July 8, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.19146324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466 >>6883

8 Jul, 2023 21:28

Allies slam cluster bombs US plans to send to Kiev

Both Ottawa and London have said they are against using the weapons on the battlefield


Canada and the UK have become the latest Western nations to voice concern over US President Joe Biden’s decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. Both countries have reaffirmed their commitment to a UN agreement banning the armaments and spoken against employing them in the current conflict with Russia.


“We do not support the use of cluster munitions,” the Canadian government told the national broadcaster CTV on Saturday. Ottawa is “committed to putting an end to the effects cluster munitions have on civilians – particularly children,” the statement read.


Separately, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told journalists that London also does not support employing cluster bombs. “The UK is a signatory to a convention that prohibits production or use of cluster munitions and discourages their use,” he explained, adding that London would continue to support Ukraine through other means.


Canada said it was “fully compliant” with the UN convention banning the weapons, which was adopted in 2008. More than 110 nations have joined the agreement since then.


Cluster bombs carry smaller explosive submunitions that are released in flight and scattered across a target area, and are typically used against personnel and lightly armored vehicles. They also tend to leave behind undetonated ‘duds’ that can remain in former conflict zones for decades.


“People continue to die because of the use of this type of weapon,” Earl Turcotte, a veteran Canadian diplomat and a disarmament activist, told CTV. The former official, who led the Canadian delegation at the talks on the 2008 convention on cluster munitions, urged Ottawa to specifically “speak out” against the US decision.


“The point must be made clearly and forcefully that any immediate military benefit cluster munitions might afford would be nullified and far exceeded by their humanitarian impact on the Ukrainian citizenry over the longer term,”Turcotte said.


Washington, however, took a different position on Saturday. When asked about the potential harm to the civilian population the US-made bombs could inflict in Ukraine, a senior Pentagon official said that “the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win.”


The move announced by the US this week has sparked concern among various nations, including some of America’s allies, as well as at the UN. On Friday, Germany reaffirmed its commitment to the UN treaty banning cluster munitions. Austria also warned that the West would be sending the wrong signal by delivering such ordnance to a conflict zone, while Spain said that it should not be used by Ukraine “under any circumstances.”


Moscow has condemned Washington’s decision as an act of “desperation” that would not affect its ongoing military campaign, but would have dire consequences for non-combatants. The US will “share full responsibility for the deaths… of both Russian and Ukrainian children,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated on Saturday.


(This is the first time the EU and Canada has challenged Bidan, they’ve gotten the word, Joe is out soon! Although the UK chiming in is rich, since they sent Storm missiles that could kill men, women and children.)

Anonymous ID: 2c7872 July 8, 2023, 3:40 p.m. No.19146402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466 >>6883

8 Jul, 2023 18:19

US confirms talks with Russia on prisoner swap

The two sides have not found a “clear pathway to a resolution” so far, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has said


American and Russian officials are holding talks on possible prisoner trades, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told journalists on Friday. The list of candidates for exchange includes Wall Street Journalreporter Evan Gershkovich, he added.


The negotiations have not yielded any tangible results so far, the senior White House official said, adding that he did not want to give “false hope.” Gershkovich was arrested in Russia in late March on espionage charges and has remained in custody ever since. In May, a Russian court extended his arrest until August 30.


“There have been discussions, but those discussions have not produced a clear pathway to a resolution,” Sullivan said, when asked about Gershkovich’s case. He also added that theUS had no “clear answer” on how to secure the journalist’s release. (Call in Kash he got like 38 out without discussing it with the press!)


Earlier this week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also confirmed that Moscow and Washington were holding talks on potential prisoner swaps. “We have said that there are certain contacts on this subject but we do not want to make them public in any way,” he said, adding that such discussions “should… continue in complete silence.”


Peskov did not mention Gershkovich’s case specifically. He only said that diplomatic access to those detained should be facilitated by both Moscow and Washington. His comments came after the US ambassador to Russia, Lynne Tracy, visited Gershkovich in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison. She stated that the reporter was in “good health” and remained “strong, despite his circumstances.”


The US officially designated Gershkovich “wrongfully detained” by Russia in April. Moscow maintains that what he was doing in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg “had nothing to do with journalism.” Peskov also previously described the reporter as being “caught red-handed” in an act of espionage.


It has also been reported that Washington has allegedly considered some “creative solutions”to secure Gershkovich's release,including arresting some “Russian spies”in third countries to offer in exchange. A Russian MP previously suggested trading the WSJ reporter for Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, currently being held in a British maximum-security prison while the US seeks his extradition on espionage charges.


(They really don’t get what a bad position they are in with Russia, do they?)

Anonymous ID: 2c7872 July 8, 2023, 3:42 p.m. No.19146412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6518

President Trump Delivers Remarks in Las Vegas, Nevada– 6:00pm ET Livestream


July 8, 2023 | Sundance | 22 Comments

Nevada is going to play a key role in the 2024 election. Historically, Clark County Nevada has been the western edge of the corrupt political municipalities similar to Philadelphia County, PA; Fulton County, GA; Wayne County, MI; Cook County, IL; Madison, WI; and Maricopa County, AZ.


The Sea Island GOPe group and the California GOPe have collaborated in Clark County several times, including 2008 on behalf of Obama, again in 2012, in the 2018 midterms and in the 2020 election to assist Trump removal. The Never Back Down group have been seeding the background there on behalf of Ron DeSantis for ’24.


Whether the Trump organization can overcome the UniParty corruption in NV is yet to be determined, but any change first comes with an admission of how serious the problem is. This framework sets the stage for President Trump to attend a Nevada campaign recruitment effort today and deliver remarks to the field generals who will be in charge of trying to fight against the tilted machinery. Livestream Links Below.

Anonymous ID: 2c7872 July 8, 2023, 4:17 p.m. No.19146632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6883

Dutch Coalition Government Collapses, Prime Minister Resigns Over Migration Policy Differences

July 18, 2023


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte handed his government’s resignation to King Willem-Alexander in The Hague on Saturday, the Associated Press (AP) reported.


The resignation signaled theend of Rutte’s 17-month-old, four-party coalition government recently riven by differences over migration policy, the AP news report noted. The government will not pass major new laws but will remain in power as a caretaker administration until general elections later this year and the formation of a new ruling coalition.


Rutte’s Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD), or People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, is one of the four parties that comprised the coalition government. VVD and the Christian Democrats favor tough measures on migration, whereas the other two parties, Democrats 66 and Christian Union oppose a strict crackdown on migration, according to a separate AP news report. One of the migration proposals the government considered entailed creating two classes of asylum, a temporary one for people fleeing conflicts and a permanent one for people fleeing persecution. Another focused on reducing the number of family members who are allowed to join asylum-seekers in the Netherlands. Late-night meetings from Wednesday to Friday failed to result in a deal on migration policy, leading Rutte to “draw the conclusion that those differences are irreconcilable,” the report noted.


In 2022, 401,351 persons moved to the Netherlands, with nearly 64% of them being European, according to Statistics Netherlands, the country’s statistical office. Asian immigrants were the largest non-European Union (EU) migrants at 17.3%. Non-EU asylum seekers numbered 21,505, and 18,465 persons from non-EU countries were students. Nearly half of the labor migrants from non-European Union countries are highly educated males working in the services sector, according to a separate report by Statistics Netherlands. The migration rate, however, reportedly strains housing resources in the densely populated country, the AP noted.


Rutte, 56, has been prime minister since 2010, becoming the Netherlands‘ longest-serving prime minister, according to the BBC. His government, the fourth coalition he has formed, has reportedly been under pressure on migration from other anti-immigration political parties in the country.