hard work and dedication in pictures
eh, if you weren't so stupid you wouldn't be poor
they are everywhen
some are smartasses
when they lip off should get knocked the fuck out
but nooooo
no one is above, dudeโฆ
"Pain coming."
too late
if the face startled me in a dark alley i'd stomp it till it stopped moving
not you
not you
he was the boo radley of the sub group
must be my fault again
i don't want ANYTHING from YOU
don't wanna think about YOUR fucking problems anymore
it's always about you.
are potemkin families REAL families?
i don't like your fucking face
oh, yeah.
certainly you got this!
what would one do without y'ALL?!
i nominate skittles for president
in the arms of a stranger
who even likes capers?
see? no one cares about capers
>what is the point of the internet.
government has the right to regulate commerce, not 1st amendment
> file sharing
becomes a transaction
the information age has c-homoditized the media.
>dont look
fair enough
let the absurdity continue
my newsmaxtv sub-groupscription is hereby cancelled!
>no one is getting paid for sharing a file