Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19150139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506 >>0560 >>0829

9 Jul, 2023 08:27

France to ban sale of fireworks on national holiday

PM Elisabeth Borne announced the measure days after the recent nationwide unrest began to subside


The French will not be able to buy or carry fireworks mortars on Bastille Day on July 14, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has said. The restrictions follow massive rioting in which youths have fired pyrotechnic devices at police across the country.


In an interview with Le Parisien on Saturday, Borne acknowledged that a number of officials and ordinary citizens had expressed concern that the unrest, which appears to be waning, could reignite during the national holiday. (People will beg their dictators for more safety and to give up their freedom)


To prevent this from happening, the French government is going to implement “massive” means to “protect the French,” she stated, adding that a decree would be published on Sunday imposing a ban on the sale of fireworks mortars.


“Only professionals, who will organize the fireworks in the municipalities, will be able to buy them,” the premier clarified.


On Thursday, government spokesperson Olivier Veran said the authorities would do “everything to ensure… security and public tranquility” on Bastille Day. He also ruled out the possibility of the national holiday being canceled this year due to the riots.


The unrest began late last month after a police officer fatally shot teenager Nahel Merzouk in the suburbs of Paris on June 27. The 17-year-old allegedly tried to drive away after being stopped by the police. The official was soon placed in custody and charged with homicide.


The ensuing days of rioting saw gangs of youths clashing with police, pelting them with stones and Molotov cocktails, as well as using fireworks as improvised weapons.


Over 4,000 people have been detained as a result, including around 1,200 minors.


Rioters have set fire to vehicles and vandalized private property. In the southern port city of Marseille alone, 400 businesses sustained damage of more than €100 million ($109 million), a local official said earlier this week.


(I personally think Macron contracted this murder and unrest to get revenge on those that protested the raising on minimum age to get state retirement benefits to 70. Plus he wants much more power over the people.)

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19150143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0166 >>0504 >>0506 >>0541 >>0560 >>0829

So this asshole thinks it’s bad for people to get free tickets! And Sound of Freedom should get no credit. He mad because major studios can’t do it because no one would use the tickets


Faith Based “Sound of Freedom” Has Booming Sales, But It’s “The Sound of Free” as Company Offers Thousands of Gratis Tickets Paid for By Others

Roger FriedmanJuly 7, 2023 2:46 pm


I told you all about a movie called “Sound of Freedom” on Wednesday. It was released on Tuesday by a small outfit called Angel Studios and made $14 million.


Two more days at the box office have brought the total up to $22 million. That’s three days of audiences.


But there should be an asteris, next to these numbers. For all other movies, individuals pay for their own tickets (or their companions).


In the case of this movie, the Sound of Freedom just should be called the Sound of Free. That’s right. According to the Angel Studios website, free tickets are available in parts of the country that are considered “Christian friendly.” In other areas, there are deep discounts for groups — like church groups — which account for the bulk of the sales.


Let me explain: when I went to the website and plugged in a zip code for Fairfield county, Connecticut, I was given the opportunity to buy group sales only. For example, the website instructs, you can buy 100 tickets for the price of 50.


But when I plugged in a Chicago suburb, I was able to get in line for a free ticket if I promised to use it. (LOL.) I was number 6,678 in line for a gratis ducat. If my showing wasn’t available, I’d be allowed to choose another.


All this is being funded by a program they call “Pay it Forward.” You can register and donate funds — as much as you like– so that those 6,678 can see the movie for free. Someone, after all, has to pay for it.


On the website, Angel Studios is also running their own kind of Go Fund Me pages — opportunities to “invest” in coming Christian films.


The website is clever in that it reads like a cult doctrine, creating a community. Their vague offer:” We’re building a home for stories that amplify light (or, as we call it, our North Star).”


If buy the idea, welcome


Meantime,box office aggregators like boxofficemojo and should really set aside the totals for “Sound of Freedom.”

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.19150218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506 >>0560 >>0829

Biden begins three-nation tour with stop in London

By Steve Holland

July 9, 202311:00 AM EDTUpdated an hour ago


DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Delaware, July 9 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden departed on Sunday on a three-nation trip that will be dominated by a NATO summit in Lithuania aimed at showing solidarity with Ukraine in its fight against Russia while not yet accepting Kyiv as a member of the alliance.


Biden's first stop will be in London, where he will meet British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street on Monday and then travel to Windsor Castle for a visit with King Charles.


The talks with the king, expected to include climate initiatives, will give Biden a greater sense of the man who succeeded his mother, Queen Elizabeth, who died last September.


Biden had tea with the queen at Windsor in June 2021 and they discussed many of the same issues that remain a top priority today, like Russia and China.


Biden will travel on to Vilnius, Lithuania, on Monday night and hold talks with NATO leaders there on Tuesday and Wednesday. Biden and the allies aim to show support for Ukraine and give Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy a sense of what he will have to do to gain NATO membership at some point in the future.


In a CNN interview previewing his trip, Biden urged caution for now on Ukraine's drive to join NATO, saying the alliance could get drawn into the war with Russia due to NATO's mutual defense pact.

"I don't think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war," Biden said.


Zelenskiy said an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO would send a message that the Western defense alliance is not afraid of Moscow. Ukraine should get clear security guarantees while it is not in NATO and that would be one of his goals in Vilnius, he added in an interview broadcast Sunday.


"I'll be there and I'll be doing whatever I can in order to, so to speak, expedite that solution, to have an agreement with our partners," Zelenskiy said on ABC's "This Week."


A centerpiece of Biden's visit to Lithuania will be a speech that he will deliver at Vilnius University on Wednesday night.


White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters the speech will cover Biden's vision of "a strong, confident America flanked by strong, confident allies and partners taking on the significant challenges of our time, from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine to the climate crisis."


One of Biden's objectives on the trip is toshow Americans back home the importance of continuing support for Ukraineas he faces re-election. Some of his Republican rivals in the race for the November 2024 presidential elections have voiced doubts about his strategy.


Solid majorities of Americans support providing weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself against Russia and believe that such aid demonstrates to China and other U.S. rivals a will to protect U.S. interests and allies, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey late last month. (Thats a lie!)


Biden's last stop will be in Helsinki for talks with the leaders of the newest NATO member, Finland, and to attend a summit of U.S. and Nordic leaders.

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19150372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0383 >>0405 >>0409 >>0417 >>0439 >>0467 >>0469 >>0477 >>0506 >>0560 >>0666 >>0678 >>0758 >>0796 >>0829




Noah2 days ago July 6, 2023

This is a repost from over the weekend in case you missed it.

HUGE! Yes folks, this is an ALL CAPS post! And an ALL CAPS question…


Because I’m wondering if President Trump still has the nuclear football? It looks that way to me! I’ll show you why in just a moment.


But first I have to give credit to Jon Herold (Patel Patriot) for first spotting this and asking the question.


Here was his Tweet:


You might not know what you’re looking at right away, so I’ll explain.


In fact, I’ve broken it out a bit on my Twitter, so I’ll take you through it step by step from there…


It all starts with this video originally posted by Mr. Dan Scavino, one of the longest and most loyal advisors to rPOTUS.


Video here:


The video is great in its own right, especially the moment where the lady in pink prays for President Trump.


I’ll cover that in a future article.


But it’s what happens at the end when eagle eye viewers like Mr. Patel Patriot spotted what looks like someone carrying the nuclear football bag.


Even just the people surrounding Trump looks MUCH more like a Presidential Detail than the people around Biden, don’t you think?


One looks real and official and dead serious, and the other looks….fake?


But back to the football bag. Here is a freeze frame and a zoom in…


The picture on the left is confirmed from 2019 while there is NO doubt President Trump’s team was still carrying the football.


The picture on the right is the freeze frame from this video from today, 6/27/23.


Same size. Identical tag. Oh my!


Here is a zoom in on those if that’s helpful:






And for those saying that is impossible and insane, allow me to remind you that even Business Insider told you President Trump left the White House WITH the nuclear football:


Remember that?


And since then we’ve all speculated that he likely never gave it back.


I mean, why would you give it to someone who didn’t lawfully win?


Why would you give it to someone trying to stage a coup?


Why would you give it to someone trying to take down America?


You wouldn’t.


And I don’t think Trump ever did.


From Business Insider in 2019:


President Donald Trump has departed the White House once and for all, but he still has control of the nuclear football and the ability to wage nuclear war until noon on Wednesday. Experts say this is the productof a dangerous and outdated system.


Trump boarded Marine One on the South Lawn Wednesday morning for a flight to Joint Base Andrews, where he delivered a farewell address before boarding Air Force One with his family to fly to Florida. He will not attend Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration.


As he leaves Washington, DC, a military aide carrying a briefcase known as the “nuclear football” is accompanying the outgoing president, who still has the sole authority to order a nuclear strike.


The nuclear football, officially known as the “president’s emergency satchel,” is a heavy 45-pound briefcase that contains communication tools, codes, and options for nuclear war. Used together with a card known as the “biscuit” that contains authentication codes, the president can contact the National Military Command Center, identify himself to the armed forces, and select a strike option.


As long as the strike option selected is legal, there are almost no checks on the president’s ability to use nuclear weapons….


Which all reminds me EXACTLY of what I posted yesterday…


Does President Trump look worried to you?


Or does he look like a man who still holds all the cards?


A man who is clearly still fully in control?


A man who….still holds even the nuclear football?


Here’s what I wrote yesterday and it’s proving to be quite prescient:


Does President Trump Look Worried To You?


I just have to ask one question, and it’s a serious one.


Because I think this one question answers all of the others…


All of the others like, are the white hats in control or the black hats?


Is Trump coming back into office?


Is Trump secretly the CIC right now?


And the question is a simple one:


“Does President Trump look worried to you?”

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19150477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0635 >>0792 >>0829


This is two confirmations today, my earlier post


This is what I got from that video,this video is packed full of confirmations


LO 🍑Pay attention to what she says when she’s meeting President Trump. 😬


Listen to this woman who met with PDJT yesterday, really interesting:

  1. There were about 28 chosen to meet one on one with Trump for a quick picture and little chit chat, this woman is a grass roots activist in NC for Trump.


A spokeswoman working for Trump gave instructions to all that would see and talk to him, these were the few that stood out to me:

Leave your phones here, we have aWhite House Photographer-in there to take pictures. The photog will only takeone picture

• Don’t try to shake his hand or touch or hug him, he will initiate contact if he chooses

• Remember you are going in to meetThe President of the United States

  1. The woman chosen, had a t-shirt that hadTrump 2023, she then said, “when you know you know”. President Trump made a big deal of the shirt and asked the WH Photographer take s big beautiful picture of them again


Is it normal for former Presidents have a “White House” photographer with them for years afterwards?The spokeswoman said you are meeting “The President of the Unites”, she said it in present tense, not past or future.


Anons you gotta watch this, everything about thisvideo indicates PDJT is already and currently President. I have thought for 6-9 months that Trump would be President again in early July 2023. This seems to confirm my belief that was put together by anons posts after the last year!


But when I think about it, I rememberLindell said in 2020 or 21,“President Trump will be President again in August!

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.19150526   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because there’s no free lunch with the cabal.


You are right they can’t imagine a freebie would serve their cause. Movie making is mostly money laundering to them anyways. Thats why Disney can take the pathetic loss of Indiana Jones bs release

Anonymous ID: 08749e July 9, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19150541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0556


BTW searching for current news on “Sound of Freedom” is blocked on search engines, I could only find 2-3 day old news. I tried to input it todays date first, the engine would still show up old news


That means “The Sound of Freedom” is a roaring success