Normally when approaching people you do that in a kind way.
Sometimes you might be interacting quicker, e.g. to alarm someone, "hey, blue car coming, do not cross the street, attention!".
Once I found out a coworker had send a wrong mail to someone, I received the same mail and saw a major error.
Immeadiately I went to him and let him know.
Bc of me being alarmed, red light on, I did not wait the seconds for him to say hello and ask what's up but immeadiately made him go look and delete the mail.
Back then I did not know our wifes, who are cooperating always, knowingly or unknowingly, convinced him to not ask but just do.
Actions shape reality.
Good thing I can override.
Back then in small villages there has been cooperation, different scenarios leading to different benefits, or not, for the persons and the village as a whole.
Many wifes or one?
Time is not a thing, so everything can change.