Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 9:12 a.m. No.19150262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281 >>0282 >>0300 >>0500 >>0506 >>0560 >>0829

follow the wives


'' Who is Senator Tom Cotton’s wife Anna Peckham?''

Elizabeth Barton 11 February 2022


FOR a junior member of the U.S. House, Arkansas representative Tom Cotton certainly is embroiled in the political scene.


The congressman, a Harvard Law graduate, former law clerk, and veteran, is infamous for stirring controversy on Twitter and in the opinion pages.


Who is Tom Cotton's wife?

Cotton is speculated to have met his wife, Anna Peckham, in 2013.


This was the same year Cotton was sworn in as the representative of Arkansas's fourth district.


The couple married in 2014, keeping ceremony details private.


Peckham, also an attorney, grew up in rural Nebraska, earning a bachelor's degree from Pepperdine University in California.


She later moved to New York, where she earned a law degree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University.


The two share an interest in politics.


Peckham was a press intern for Republican Senator Chuck Hagel in 2002, and she is now a licensed attorney in Virginia.


As Cotton has become more prominent in Washington, Peckham has kept a preference for privacy.


The couple has two children, sons Gabriel and Daniel.


The family is currently between Washington and Arkansas, as Cotton balances his work between the Hill and his constituents.


In January 2021, when Cotton was sworn into a second term, Peckham and their sons watched from the Senate gallery.


According to Cotton's own website, he was sworn in using his son, Gabriel’s, Bible.


What is Tom Cotton's Background?

After graduating from Harvard Law, and a clerkship with the U.S. Court of Appeals, Cotton is said to have left the law due to the September 11th attacks.


He was motivated to serve and stayed on active duty with the Army for roughly five years.


'' Between the Army and the Senate, Cotton briefly worked for McKinsey & Co., a well-known consulting firm.''

Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 9:15 a.m. No.19150282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506 >>0560 >>0829



Anna Cotton | The Federalist Society


Anna Cotton is the founder of SLG Solutions and serves on boards for a cybersecurity company and an intelligence-services company.

She also advises global manufacturing and technology companies.

Cotton served as the Deputy General Counsel of the National Reconnaissance Office, which procures and launches intelligence satellites for the U.S. Government.

She was also Assistant General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency, where she managed complex litigation, including litigation arising from the 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

During her career, she has led insider-threat initiatives, assisted internal investigations, and conducted security-clearance reviews, among other matters.

As a former federal prosecutor, she prosecuted criminal cases and conducted multiple jury and bench trials. Cotton has a JD from the Cardozo School of Law and a BA from Pepperdine University.




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Sep 20 2022 Blog Post

Ken Starr: The Quiet Warrior

Anna Cotton


It was the summer of 2003. I was interning at the U.S. Solicitor General’s office…

Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19150333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0351




Graham and Blumenthal noted their resolution holds that any use of a tactical nuclear weapon by Russia, Belarus or their proxies, or the destruction of a nuclear facility that disperses radioactive contaminants into NATO territory would be viewed as an attack on NATO itself, requiring an Article V response.Jun 22, 2023


Graham, Blumenthal Introduce Resolution To Address Threat …


''sucks da nang dick''

Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19150478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479 >>0560 >>0629 >>0829

'' DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Corporate Republican Influencers Increasingly Need and Support the Corrupt DOJ''


July 9, 2023

The Ron DeSantis campaign continues to collapse under the inertia of its central flaw, a terrible candidate.


Hundreds-of-millions have been amassed to structure the pretending, create the brand image and present the narrative of something completely false.


The central flaw was always, eventually, going to surface.


Tens of millions have been spent on the launch and careful construction. However, when the core of the effort is built upon a false premise, there is nothing that can be done to change the outcome. Truth has a way of being self-evident; this represents the ultimate problem for the DeSantis team.


Every single week since the launch of the DeSantis campaign he has lost ground. The more Ron DeSantis is pushed into the voting audience, the less he is supported. In a desperate effort to stop hemorrhaging that support, the branding and image consultants decided to replace the candidate with a stand-in, his wife, Jill “Casey” DeSantis.


Think about this in context. The best hope of a multi-million-dollar ‘Never Back Down operation’ is to remove the principal from the equation and use an alternate. That’s the mindset of the DeSantis brain trust. That’s their solution to the central flaw; remove the candidate – show him less. None of their action deals with the central flaw, because the core of the problem is the center of the operation.




The only hope for the assembly behind those hundreds-of-millions, behind all those group chats, email lists, and meeting rooms of professional political consultants, is if some external force removes President Donald Trump. Ultimately, that’s all they have. Without an external intervention, the downward spiral continues.


When you realize this central truth, you can then go back to what I was saying in the summer of 2022 and get an idea of what I meant.


In the summer of 2022 when few people would accept my prediction that Ron DeSantis was running for the GOP nomination in 2024, even fewer people truly understood what I meant when I said eventually all the Ron DeSantis supporters would start promoting eating bugs. “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”


Few people understood what I was stating. But it was actually acceptance of a logical sequence.


Ron DeSantis cannot win the GOP nomination without an external intervention to change the dynamic. If you start your review of the sequence from that acceptance point, then you realize those who support Ron DeSantis will need to support the external intervention. In this instance, a corrupt and weaponized leftist U.S. Dept of Justice.


The DeSantis team, just like the Ted Cruz team that preceded him, is more anti-Trump and anti-nationalism than they are anti-corruption in government.


If it takes a corrupt and weaponized United States government to achieve its objective of a DeSantis nomination, then the corrupt and weaponized government is something they must accept. Hence, the baseline for my snarky prediction is, “hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”


Again, this is not a grand exercise in political insight, it is simply following the sequence of necessary events to its most logical conclusion.



Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19150479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0829




Ron DeSantis supporters will support Joe Biden in order to eliminate the problem of Donald Trump. However, the number of Republican voters who are willing to accept that conflicting outlook is far fewer than the number of ideologues within the GOPe willing to use it.


What I have just described in that dynamic of diminished support, is exactly why Team DeSantis continues to shed supporters amid the ranks of voters.


Team DeSantis, the billionaires, the RGA, RNC, and the entire coalition of ideological influencers, may be willing to eat the bugs – but the overwhelming majority of the voters will not; nor will they accept a transparently weaponized Dept of Justice as an external force against the will of We The People.


If you understand this dynamic, I mean really understand this dynamic, it becomes fun to combat the influence group being paid by the hundreds of millions in Sea Island funding.


In order to achieve their objective, the DeSantis supporters are forced to align with the corrupt system they pretend to despise. They are forced to deny that elections are manipulated; they are forced to deny the targeting of Trump is an inflection point that destroys our nation; they are forced to deny their association with the same corrupt and manipulated systems they depend on to achieve their objective. Pushing those supporters into the painful sunlight of their hypocrisy is not difficult.


The reason I shared the Casey DeSantis video yesterday is an element of this dynamic. Like her husband, she’s unbearable. Like her husband, she is fake. Like her husband, she is artificial, annoying, and becomes more unlikable the more you are exposed to her. The scale, scope, and transparently visible inauthentic pandering by both Casey and her “The Governor,” Ron, is hilarious.


You can literally see the Republican brand image consultants at work.


Hey, MAGA, via Palin, originated and likes the Mama Grizzlies.


Hey, MAGA likes and relates to Duck Dynasty.


Hey, MAGA likes and relates to Melania, and her ‘come and take them’ stiletto heel attitude.


Hey, I’ve got an idea….


…Let’s put Mama Grizzlies, Duck Dynasty, and Melania’s stilettos into the brand:



'' You cannot make up this level of inauthentic effort.''


At a certain point, you just laugh at it.



Anonymous ID: bcf733 July 9, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19150912   🗄️.is 🔗kun