>>1914481 (lb)
>One conjecture is that more effort was put into brainwashing them - since they are more likely to be activists. The other conjecture: They feel American is evil and therefore - (though for some reason they couldn't imagine America attacking itself), they somehow felt it was just that we were attacked. And therefor didn't dig farther.
Both valid conjectures. Another is that those in the "Left" are more often than not either "rebellious" by nature and/or emotionally-centered. Thus, they bought the false equivilence of the "U.S." being the bad guy hook, line & sinker vs. understanding the deeper subtleties of agents of the cabal inside subverting it, even though that was precisely what Allinsky wrote about.
Don't forget, the creator of the term "Deep State", Peter Dale Scott, is a professor at Berkeley.
That said, gut & experience is telling me Q is correct in this:
>Organized riots being planned.
>Counter measures in place.
>Resistance far smaller than portrayed by MSM.
The "silent majority" on the left doesn't appear to be buying any of this garbage, but are still confused by what's going on, thus still silent, leaving the loudmouth bullies to run shit in their name as usual.
The bullies don't appear to have the #'s for even an Occupy-style stunt, so the danger seems to be possibly a larger-style Charlottesville psyop or a new Kent State.
Or they may go full Weather Underground/Red Brigades and attempt some sort of "scorched earth" guerilla warfare.
One thing's for certain, last week's events are just an opening act for them. They do love their street theater.