Anonymous ID: 7feda8 July 9, 2023, 5:52 p.m. No.19152832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2834 >>2898


haven't seen the movie


did it happen to touch on organ trafficking?

Nygard and his posse into all the mess with stem cells, fetal tissue/etc. Ukraine has an abortion rate multiples above US for a smaller population

going back into the 2000s it was suspected and theorized that the late term abortions were for stem cells and other quackery.

Anonymous ID: 7feda8 July 9, 2023, 6:35 p.m. No.19152992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3025 >>3116 >>3130



While practicing medical oncology in Donetsk, Dr. Lazaryev began to wonder why doctors tell almost all pregnant women in Ukraine that there is a very high probability that their preborn children have serious birth defects. His own wife Elena was advised to have an abortion on the grounds that her preborn son would have severe birth defects — which, of course, he did not.

Dr. Lazaryev’s own mother had thirteen pregnancies, eleven of which ended in abortion between his older brother and him.


He found that all Ukrainian women are advised to abort because preborn children are excellent sources of organs and stem cells.


Dr. Lazaryev found that the abortion rate in Ukraine is much, much higher than the official figures would suggest — in fact, about 1.2 million annually in a nation with a population of about 46 million, or more than six times higher than the abortion rate in the United States.


As Dr. Lazaryev says, “The only thing which protects unborn life in Ukraine is the courage of pregnant women.”


Continuing his investigations, Dr. Lazaryev found that women were paid $200 to $300 — three month’s salary — to carry their pregnancies to a very late stage and to deliver the babies alive in a kind of forced premature birth. This procedure allows the living baby’s organs to be harvested while they are still as fresh as possible.


Dr. Lazaryev also found that every region of Ukraine has twin institutions. One does the late-term ‘artificial deliveries,’ and the other dismembers the live-born baby and passes the parts on to other buyers, who screen the material and then sell it at a huge markup to the worldwide network of “clinics” like the Institute for Regenerative Medicine.