Anonymous ID: f6afc7 July 9, 2023, 4:48 p.m. No.19152569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2836 >>3116

Just wait until the Nazi dog bites the hand that feeds them. It will happen

9 Jul, 2023 17:04

Moscow blasts France’s pledge to ramp up aide to Ukraine

Charles de Gaulle is “spinning in his grave” over Paris’ behavior, the Russian Foreign Ministry says


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has condemned France’s promise to ramp up military aid to Kiev, saying that late French leader Charles de Gaulle is “spinning in his grave” ==over Paris “sponsoring” Ukrainian Nazis•=.


The pledge was made by France’s top diplomat, Catherine Colonna, who said the aid will “continue and intensify” to meet Kiev’s “most urgent” needs.


“De Gaulle is spinning in his grave: his country is sponsoring Nazis,” Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Sunday.


The remark comes in response to statements made by Colonna in an interview with French public broadcaster RFI.“The support we are providing is aimed at meeting the needs expressed by the Ukrainian authorities in cooperation with our allies and partners,” the foreign minister said.


“This support will continue and intensify. New military assistance deliveries are being prepared to constantly address the most urgent needs expressed by Ukraine,” she added.


Colonna also touched upon the upcoming NATO summit set to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 11 and 12, expressing hope that the event will “provide an opportunity to consolidate the alliance’s support for Ukraine on a long-term basis.” She added that Paris hopes thesummit will “give concrete contentto its prospects for joining NATO.”


However, member states of the US-led bloc appear to be split on the matter of inviting Kiev into the alliance at the upcoming summit. NATO membership has been one of the main talking points for pro-Western Ukrainian politicians for decades. The topic picked up steam following the launch of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, which was in part triggered by Ukraine’s NATO aspirations.


Germany is reportedly opposed to offering Kiev a clear roadmap or concrete prospects of joining, seeking to offer security guarantees instead. France had previously signaled a similar stance, with President Emmanuel Macron stating in June that “we have to build something between the security provided to Israel and full-fledged membership.” The US appears to be wary of inviting Kiev into the bloc as well, with President Joe Biden voicing similar concerns in a recent interview and warning that the move means “war with Russia.”

Anonymous ID: f6afc7 July 9, 2023, 4:57 p.m. No.19152608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2616 >>2836 >>3116

9 Jul, 2023 19:32

NATO divided over cost of supporting Ukraine – Politico

The effort to maintain unanimity on aid to Kiev is reportedly raising long-term complications for the US-led bloc


Continuing support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia may mean long-term trouble for NATO, with major issues that should be addressed by the military bloc being “kicked down the road,” experts and former officials have told Politico.


A piece run by the outlet on Saturday ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, raises questions about the mounting costs of aid to Ukraine, as well as a lack of unity among members. Many allies have displayed increasingalarm over “how long, and at what cost, Kiev can continue to be supported,” the article said.


In public, however, NATO and US officials have ramped up efforts to demonstrate a united front ahead of the summit, expressing readiness to continue backing Ukraine for as long as necessary.


“The [US] president has been clear that we are going to support Ukraine for as long as it takes and provide them an exceptional quantity of arms and capabilities,” US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Friday.


Solidarity with Kiev, however, may ultimately serve Washington’s domestic goals, namely strengthening the position of US President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party ahead of the 2024 general elections. At the same time, growing political uncertainty in the US is pushing Ukraine to demand more and more from its Western backers in order to prepare for a scenario when aid abruptly stops,Hagar Chemali, a former US government official under president Barack Obama, told Politico.


“Given that [Donald] Trump is running again for presidentand given the growing chorus of Republican candidates who question or are against US support for Ukraine. I would expect President [Vladimir] Zelensky to push even harder for additional military support this year to avoid getting stuck in US domestic politics as we near November 2024,” she said. (This is conformation that Obama wants and is telling Zelensky to push harder)


Moreover, the effort to supply Ukraine might also be an attempt to avoid addressing long-term problems within the US-led alliance by focusing on short-term goals, Rachel Rizzo, a fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center, told the outlet.


“It’s indicative of the broader climate within the alliance and how right now the priority is to hold the line on Ukraine for as long as possible,” Rizzo stated, expressing doubt that the bloc would provide any clarity on a timeline for Ukraine’s NATO membership at the summit.(STFU O, haven’t you done enough death and damage around the world?)


“NATO must present a cohesive front at this summit. So the easier approach here is just answering the short-term questions; and the bigger questions that require consensus from allies are being kicked down the road a little,”she said.


NATO has appeared to be split on offering Ukraine a clear roadmap for joining, with major member states, including the US itself, seemingly reluctant to do so. Recently, Biden warned that inviting Kiev into the alliance now would carry the risk of bringing the organization into a war with Russia.

Anonymous ID: f6afc7 July 9, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.19152628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>2836 >>3116

9 Jul, 2023 23:01

Biden pressures Turkey to allow new NATO expansion

Stockholm hasn’t made enough progress to be approved for membership, the Turkish leader has said


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned US counterpart Joe Biden that he hasn’t yet seen enough progress from Sweden on anti-terrorism measures to approve the country’s application for NATO membership.


In a telephone call with Erdogan on Sunday, President Biden “conveyed his desire to welcome Sweden into NATO as soon as possible,” according to a brief readoutreleased by the White House.


Erdogan, however, noted that while Stockholm had taken some positive steps by revising its anti-terrorism legislation, it still allowed pro-Kurdish “terrorist organizations” to hold public demonstrations.


“This nullifies the steps taken,” Türkiye’s communications directorate quoted Erdogan as saying in a statement on the phone call, held ahead of this week’s NATO summit in Vilnius.


Sweden and neighboring Finland applied for NATO membership last year, breaking with their long traditions of military neutrality on security concerns raised by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Finland was officially admitted to the Western bloc in April, but Türkiye essentially blocked Sweden’s bid after accusing the country of sheltering Kurdish terrorists. The alliance’s bylaws require unanimous approval before new members can be admitted.


Biden had previously pressured Erdogan to approve Sweden’s NATO application by linking the decision to US approval for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Ankara. Sunday’s Turkish statement suggested that Biden may have agreed to decouple the issues.


According to Ankara,Erdogan said it wasn’t appropriate to tie Türkiye’s F-16 request to Sweden’s bid, and he thanked Biden for supporting the fighter-jet deal, though White House only said that the leaders “reviewed efforts to strengthen our bilateral ties.” The two leaders also agreed to meet on the sidelines of the Vilnius summit to further discuss bilateral issues.

Anonymous ID: f6afc7 July 9, 2023, 5:28 p.m. No.19152741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2836 >>3116

Sunday Geopolitical Talks – Biden and Coons Admit Ukraine Almost Out of Artillery Shells, No Strategic NATO Consideration Until War With Russia Ends


July 9, 2023 | Sundance | 94 Comments

Both Joe Biden [VIDEO HERE] and Senator Chris Coons [VIDEO HERE] were interviewed as part of the Sunday talk circuit just before the upcoming NATO summit. The message from both voices were similar as part of the larger geopolitical discussion, so I’m blending them into one review.



On the subject of Ukraine seeking NATO membership the key democrats gave the same explanation and justification, although Biden mumbled a little more alarmingly. Biden, speaking to the Dept of State narrative engineers on CNN, noted there can be no discussion of Ukraine entering NATO as long as the war with Russia is ongoing. From Biden’s perspective if NATO accepted Ukraine now, then all of NATO would immediately need to enter the war with Russia.


What Biden and Coons did not say was that if NATO opened the door to Ukraine now, the interests of Russia would immediately change. If NATO was to make immediate announcements of Ukraine membership, Russia would be stupid not to expand the war immediately and begin the process of taking all of Ukraine instead of the eastern Russian speaking section bordering the homeland.


On the subject of sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, both Biden and Coons admitted something that would not ordinarily be discussed in public circles. Ukraine is almost out of 155mm artillery shells and the U.S. stockpile we have used to support them is now gone. It will take more than several months to manufacture and resupply our own military stores, let alone support the needs of Ukraine. As a consequence, 155mm cluster bombs are being supplied in lieu of our ability to provide less deadly munitions.


[COONS] – “First, we are running out of 155mm artillery munitions, and they are burning through them at a remarkable rate. Six to eight thousand a day. That’s a million a year. We have a plan to bring back online the manufacturing of 155mm shells at scale, but that won’t happen for months. They are at risk of losing this counter offensive if they run out of their shells. We have a large stockpile of 155mm shells that are cluster munitions. It’s the Ukrainians who are asking to be able to use these on their own soil. They’ve committed to monitoring their use to remediating them after the war. And frankly, they will be tactically helpful against dug-in Russian troops that are behind large minefields. So weighing all of those factors, the President made a tough call that I will support.” (more)


[BIDEN] – […] “we’re in a situation where Ukraine continues to be brutally attacked across the board by munitions — by these cluster munitions that are — have dud rates that are very, very low — I mean, very high, that are a danger to civilians, number one.


Number two, the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, the ammunition — they used to call them 155-millimeter weapons. This is a — this is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of those — that ammunition. And we’re low on it.” (read more)


Ordinarily in a time of war one might not expect to see public discussion of ammo supplies; alas, in the era of World War Reddit, it seems not to be an issue.


On the subject of China, I think this is the first time when Joe Biden has said publicly, that after the Xi-Putin summit, Biden threatened Chairman Xi Jinping with unilateral action to remove U.S. corporations and investment from China if Xi was to openly assist Russian President Putin. At least that is the Biden claim within the interview.

Anonymous ID: f6afc7 July 9, 2023, 6:10 p.m. No.19152899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907 >>2927 >>2952 >>3116

Sunday Talks –DeSantis Interview, the Professionally Republican People Really Do Think We’re Stupid


July 9, 2023 | Sundance | 336 Comments

I’ve said this before, and it really does deserve some emphasis today. The professional republican political class, the entire industry that is financially dependent on the mechanics of republican politics, really do think the average American is stupid.Don’t forget that.


Suffice to say we have people, contractors and vendors, who funnel information to us from behind enemy lines. Nothing has made them angrier in the past several months that the article I wrote last night outlining the mindset in their conference room and specifically the brand image consultants around this recent exhibition.


…”Let’s put Mama Grizzlies, Duck Dynasty and Melania’s stilettos into the brand”… Brilliant! 😂


I’m sorry, it’s not very polite of me to laugh uncontrollably thinking of a big mad Casey yelling at Ken Cuccinelli while Ron feels awkward – but I just cannot stop laughing. “Curse you villain,” lol – life is too short not to keep snickering all day.


On a more serious note, the point of this article is to remind everyone the “professionals” in the GOPe consultant class really do think we are stupid. That’s not a disposable generic line, it is really how they feel, and it exhibits in everything they do. The modern republican consultancy has become a caricature of itself, and everything they do only makes the issue more transparent.


Dear Lord, please forgive my horrible trespasses, but it’s like Donald Trump threw them a bag of Chinese finger-traps and stupidlytheir team started to play with them just moments before the volleyball game broke out. Team DeSantis is on the court with their hands stuck together, and the audience is in hysterics, me included. Gawd, my ribs hurt.


Here’s the principal trying to find a way through the matrix {Direct Rumble Link}, acting all superior and talking about the neatly pressed uniforms while the team in the background is stumbling around looking silly. WATCH:


9 hours ago

His voice cracks like a pubescent teen whose balls haven’t dropped yet