Anonymous ID: fda291 July 9, 2023, 10 p.m. No.19153952   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Patriot Operation "Pulse"

  • Train parts of the population to act in concert with each other

  • Decentralized hive-mind leadership via online vote

  • Increasing levels of scale and impact

  • Begin as a ripple, increase in magnitude until the pulse becomes a wave

  • Deep state law enforcement has limited ability to counter, attack or spoof


200 anons visit a convenience store near them at exactly 12pm, buy themselves and the cashier a coca-cola. Walk out.

500 people wait by an ATM machine, hand someone $5, make a short statment about perils of cashless society and say 'thanks for listening'

2,000 people enter a clothing store…

10,000 people refuse to buy…

100,000 people…


Civil disobedience and coordinated acts in the age of crypto decentralization.