Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 7:21 a.m. No.19155490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5495

Caitlin Johnstone:Why Propaganda Works


June 28, 20231/2

The primary reason people tend to remain committed to their propaganda-installed perspectives has a simple, well-documented explanation.


It’s not really deniable that Western civilization is saturated with domestic propaganda geared toward manipulating the way the public thinks, acts, works, shops and votes.


Mass media employees have attested to the fact that they experience constant pressure to administer narratives which are favorable to the political status quo of the U.S. empire. The managers of empire have publicly acknowledged that they have a vested interest in manipulating public thought.


Casual naked-eye observation of the way the mass media reliably support every U.S. war, rally behind the U.S. foreign policy objective of the day and display overwhelming bias against empire-targeted governments makes it abundantly obvious that this is happening when viewed with any degree of critical thought.


To deny that these mass-scale manipulations have an effect would be as absurd as denying that advertising — a near trillion-dollar industry — has an effect.


It’s just an uncomfortable fact that as much as we like to think of ourselves as free-thinking sovereign agents immune to outside influence, human minds are very hackable. Manipulators understand this, and the science of modern propaganda which has been advancing for over a century understands this with acute lucidity.


By continually hammering our minds with simple, repeated messaging about the nature of the world we live in, propagandists are able to exploit glitches in human cognition like the illusory truth effect, which causes our minds to mistake the experience of having heard something before with the experience of having heard something that is true.


Our indoctrination into the mainstream imperial worldview begins when we are very young, largely because schooling is intertwined with the same power structures whose information interests are served by that worldview and because powerful plutocrats such as John D. Rockefeller actively inserted themselves into the formation of modern schooling systems.


Our worldview is formed when we are young in the interests of our rulers, and from there cognitive biases take over which protect and reinforce that worldview, typically preserving them in more or less the same form for the rest of our lives.


This is what makes it so hard to convince someone that their beliefs about an issue are falsehoods born of propaganda.


I see a lot of people blame this problem on the fact that critical thinking isn’t taught in schools and I’ve seen some strains of Marxist thought arguing that Westerners choose to espouse propaganda narratives because they know it advances their own class interests.


I’m sure both of these factor into the equation exist to some extent. But the primary reason people tend to remain committed to their propaganda-installed perspectives actually has a much simpler, well-documented explanation.


Modern psychology tells us that people don’t just tend to hold onto their propaganda-induced belief systems;people tend to hold onto any belief system.

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 7:22 a.m. No.19155495   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Belief perseverance, as the name suggests, describes the way people tend to cling to their beliefs even when presented with evidence disproving them. The theory goes that back when most humans lived in tribes that were often hostile to each other, our tribal cohesion and knowing who we can trust mattered more to our survival than taking the time to figure out what’s objectively true.


So now we’ve got these brains that tend to prioritize loyalty to our modern “tribes” like our nation, our religion, our ideological factions and our pet causes.


This tendency can take the form of motivated reasoning, where our emotional interests and “tribal” loyalties color the way we take in new information. It can also give rise tothe backfire effect, where being confronted with evidence which conflicts with one’s worldview will not only fail to change their beliefs but actually strengthen them.


So the simple answer to why people cling to beliefs instilled by imperial propaganda is because that’s just how minds work. If you can consistently and forcefully indoctrinate someone from an early age and then give them a mainstream ideological “tribe” with which to identify in their indoctrination, the cognitive glitches in these newly-evolved brains of ours act as sentries protecting those implanted worldviews.


Which is exactly what modern propaganda, and our modern political systems, are set up to do.


I often see people expressing bewilderment about the way the smartest people they know subscribe to the most ridiculous propaganda narratives out there. This is why. A smart person who has been effectively indoctrinated by propaganda will just be more clever than someone of average intelligence in defending their beliefs.


Some of the most foam-brained foreign policy think pieces you’ll ever read come from PhDs and Ivy League graduates, because all their intelligence gives them is the ability to make intelligent-sounding arguments for why it would be good and smart for the U.S. military to do something evil and stupid.


The Oatmeal has a great comic about this (which someone also made into a video if you prefer). Importantly, the author correctly notes that the mind’s tendency to forcefully protect its worldview does not mean it’s impossible for someone to change beliefs in light of new evidence, only that it is more difficult than accepting beliefs which confirm biases.


It takes some work, and it takes sincerity and self-honesty, but it can be done. Which is happy news for those of us who have an interest in convincing people to abandon their propaganda-constructed worldviews for reality-based ones.


Sometimes just being patient with someone, showing empathy, treating them how we’d like to be treated, and working to establish things in common to overcome the primitive psychology which screams we’re from a hostile tribe can accomplish a lot more than just laying out tons of objective facts disproving their believed narrative about Russia or China or their own government or what have you.


And above all we can just keep telling the truth, in as many fresh, engaging and creative ways as we can come up with. The more we do this, the more opportunities there are for someone to catch a glimmer of something beyond the veil of their propaganda-installed worldview and the cognitive biases which protect it.


The more such opportunities we create, the greater a chance the truth has of getting a word in edgewise.

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.19155565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951 >>6044



PN>>19154667 Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas


REVEALED: Corrupt DOJ Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

by Cristina Laila Jul. 9, 2023 4:40


New court documents show that DOJ prosecutor Jay Bratt, an Obamaite-Russiagate-DNC donor, redacted every reference to Trump cooperating with subpoenas.


Recall, Jay Bratt tried to bribe Walt Naut’s lawyer Stanley Woodward in order to get his client to testify against Trump.


New court documents show Jay Bratt purposely redacted all references to Trump cooperating with grand jury subpoenas.


Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart approved new aspects of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant to be unsealed.


Last August the Biden Justice Department released a highly redacted Trump raid affidavit.


Media organizations asked to unseal the affidavit in support of the search warrant. Only a redacted version was previously unsealed.


The newly unredacted search warrant affidavit reveals Jay Bratt used dirty tricks to make Trump look uncooperative.More proof the FBI raid was a political hit job.


Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry:

Trump complied with TWO grand jury subpoenas, but Jay Bratt tried to hide this information from the public behind redactions.


REDACTED: Page 2: ” additional documents bearing classification markings … have been produced to the government in response to a grand jury subpoena …


REDACTED: page 18″ “… agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena … ”


REDACTED: Page 20: ” … an extension was granted for compliance with the subpoena … ”


REDACTED: Page 21: ” … documents … produced pursuant to the grand jury subpoena


REDACTED: Page 22: ” … classified documents (the ones recently provided … ”

REDACTED: Page 23: ” … agreed to accept service of a grand jury subpoena for footage from those cameras … ”


” … provided a hard drive to FBI agents …”


REDACTED: Page 25: ” … in response to a grand jury subpoena provided FBI agents and DOJ COUNSEL a Redweld envelope containing documents … ”


REDACTED: Page 28: ” … a padlock was installed on the STORAGE ROOM door.”

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 7:51 a.m. No.19155594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625 >>5787 >>5951 >>5977 >>6044

Old Joe Is Completely Lost: King Charles Visibly Frustrated, Has Trouble Urging Joe Biden to Move On During Honor Guard Inspection(VIDEO 0.19 seconds)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 10, 2023 9:30 am24


It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden is visibly suffering through mid-stage dementia.


The 80-year-old can barely walk and has no idea what he is doing anymore.


Democrats are running Old Joe for president again which tells you EVERYTHING about the blatant fraud in our elections.


On Monday Joe Biden looked like he could barely walk as he arrived in London for a visit. He later had trouble walking to Windsor Castle.


Biden then walked in front of King Charles during the inspection of the honor guard. The fake news made a HUGE deal out of this when Trump was president.


And at one point King Charles was visibly frustrated as he was forced to tell Old Joe to move on during the presentation after Joe stopped and started talking to the Honor Guard.


What a disgrace.

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 8:04 a.m. No.19155642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zelensky Trash Talks Trump and Blabs Incoherent Nonsense During Interview with ABC Hack Martha Raddatz(VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 10, 2023 7:30 am


On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy joined hack journalist Martha Raddatz about the country’s failing counteroffensive efforts against Russia in eastern Ukraine.


During their conversation, Raddatz asked Volodymyr about President Trump’s promise to end the War in Ukraine in 24 hours when he becomes president.


Zelensky appeared to trash-talk President Trump in his nonsensical response.


“It seems to me that the sole desire to bring the war to an end is beautiful.But this desire should be based on some real-life experience,” said Zelenskyy.


“Well, it looks as if Donald Trump had already these 24 hours once in his time. We were at war, not a full-scale war, but we were at war, and as I assume, he had that time at his disposal, but he must have had some other priorities.”


It’s not clear what Zelenskyy was talking about. The Russian invasion was launched into Ukraine in 2022, a year after Trump left office.


In February, the former Israeli Prime Minister said the Biden administration blocked the Russia-Ukraine peace deal. Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett accused the Biden regime of blocking a peace deal before it was finalized.

Trump says he can bring peace in 24 hours. Why would Zelensky doubt him? What does Zelensky have to gain?


Zelenskyy added that if ending the war implies that Ukraine would have to give up its territories, then they would reject such a proposal.


“If we are talking about ending the war at the cost of Ukraine, in other words, to make us give up our territories, well, I think in this way Biden could have brought it to an end even in five minutes, but we would not agree,” he added.


It can be recalled during an interviewwith CNN,Zelensky explicitly stated that he sees no victory for Ukraine until Crimea is retaken from Russia.


“We cannot imagine Ukraine without Crimea. And while Crimea is under the Russian occupation, it means only one thing war is not over yet,” said Zelensky during the CNN interview.


(Tough, because Ukraine will never get Crimea back and Zelensky will probably be prosecuted by the Azovs for being a Putin apologist! Also he’s fucking around and will find out what Trump will do! Kek)

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.19155688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5699 >>5724 >>5750 >>5773 >>5951 >>6044

FOX News Channel Hits Rock Bottom – Drags Out Old Mob Boss to Smear Trump – Now We’re Supposed to Hate Trump Because he Outsmarted the Mafia! HAH!(VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jul. 9, 2023 3:20 pm


You just can’t make this up.


FOX News host Eric Shawn dragged out an old mob boss to run a verbal hit on President Trump.


The old mob boss Billy D’Elia saysyou can’t trust President Trump because Trump outsmarted the mob and saved himself millions of dollars. Trump flipped a coin and saved one million dollars.


So NOW we’re supposed to hate Trump because he bested the mob! Hah!


Trump is such a badass! He even wins deals with the mob!


And the Mighty FOX has fallen.

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.19155841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5879 >>5992

Report: Joe Biden Turns Anger, Abuse on Staff Behind Closed Doors

Simon Kent10 Jul 2023


President Joe Biden has again been accused of delivering angry, abusive outbursts against his own staff when behind closed doors, a report Monday details.


Axios reporter Alex Thompson laid out the accusations in a piece headlined — “Old yeller: Biden’s private fury


The story makes the point Biden likes to portray himself as a kindly figure given to eating ice cream and chatting to small children in public but in private he is reportedly prone to yelling invective. Thompson states:


Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.

The president’s admonitions include: “God dammit, how the fk don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t fking bullsht me!” and “Get the f*k out of here!” — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts.


The article continues to paint a picture of a president at odds with his own staff and prone to yelling at them to get his own way. Senior and lower-level aides alike can be in Biden’s line of fire. “No one is safe,” said one administration official quoted by Axios.


Biden aides reportedly still talk about how angry he got at Jeff Zients, then the administration’s “COVID czar,” in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread.


A spokesperson for Zients told Axios: “I’m not going to speak to what internal convos may or may not have happened between Jeff and the president.”


Some Biden aides are so confused by the outbursts they think the president should make them public, with the Axios report stating Biden’s closest confidants “think the president would be better off occasionally displaying his temper in public as a way to assuage voter concerns that the 80-year-old president is disengaged and too old for the office.”


The White House declined to comment to Axios for the piece.


This is not the first time Biden’s propensity for anger at those closest to him has been made public.


As Breitbart News reported, last year the president was accused of consistently struggling with anger outbursts when faced with unwanted questions — especially issues about the Biden family corruption.


Inflation, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, election integrity, and his own state of mental fitness have also inflamed Biden.


Before that in 2020 Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joe Pollak confronted then vice president Biden over his propensity to be economical with the truth and got a similarly angry response.

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.19155936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So it seems the billionaires are putting out word to the media “help us get rid of DeSantis”, too many articles for it not to internal to the campaign

Anonymous ID: a4de59 July 10, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19156048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harnwell: MSM pushing Biden’s $2tn middle finger to America’s middle class signals he’s toast

7:24 minutes

Yesterday, The Atlantic ran “Step Aside, Joe Biden”. Today, The Hill publishes “When is the optimal time for Biden to drop out of the race?” and Bloomberg has “Why America’s Middle Class Is So Stressed Out” — a brutal assessment of how America’s middle class is poorer by $2tn over the last year.

There are no coincidences. Make no mistake —the irreversible discarding of the Biden family crime syndicate by the Democratic Party/MSM complex is now underway