Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19156480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614 >>6731 >>6813

Mike Pence Takes Credit for Trump’s Tough Stand that Prevented Putin from Invading Ukraine During His Watch


FOX News continued today to cement its image as just another Trump-bashing mainstream media channel.


Mike Pence was invited on to America’s Newsroom this morning. The former vice president who is running for president for some reason, was asked about Ukrainian President Zelensky’s swipe at Trump in a recent ABC interview.


Zelensky trash-talked Trump during his interview with Martha Raddatz saying “It seems to me that the sole desire to bring the war to an end is beautiful. But this desire should be based on some real-life experience.” This was in response to President Trump saying he would end the War in Ukraine in 24 hours.


Zelensky’s response did not make much sense since Russia only invaded Ukraine last year in 2022.


Mike Pence quickly took credit for President Trump’s tough stance on the international stage.


Mike Pence: the reason why Russia did not even attempt to redraw international lines by force during our administration is because we were strong. We made it clear that we not only had rebuilt our military, but they were willing to use military force in Syria, our armed forces taking down ISIS. And frankly, we took down over 100 Russian soldiers in a military engagement in Syria itself.


Pence contradicts himself and then pushes for more war with Russia.


Via Midnight Rider.


Mike Pence: So. Look, I understand President Zelensky’s frustration. The Russians were in Crimea. They had taken that area during the Obama years. But, look, there’s only one pathway towards success here, and that is to give the Ukrainian military, much more quickly than Joe Biden has done, what they need to repel the Russian invasion and reclaim their country.


Mike Pence is a clown. He’s nothing like President Trump. What a joke.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19156494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin met Wagner chief after mutiny – Kremlin


The meeting with Evgeny Prigozhin took place on June 29, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed


Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the head of the Wagner private military company, Evgeny Prigozhin, several days after the group aborted a mutiny as part of a Belarus-mediated deal, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.


Speaking to journalists, Peskov confirmed a report by French newspaper Liberation, which claimed that the Russian leader had met with the Wagner chief. “The president had such a meeting. Thirty-five people were invited to it – all unit commanders and the company’s management, including Prigozhin himself,” he said. According to the spokesman, the gathering took place in the Kremlin on June 29 and lasted almost three hours.


Peskov added that the president had given “an evaluation of the company’s actions” during the conflict with Ukraine, and had spoken about his assessment of the events of June 24, the day Wagner troops marched on Moscow.


“Putin listened to the commanders’ explanations and offered further employment and combat deployment options,” Peskov stated. He added that Wagner commanders had provided their account of the mutiny, while “emphasizing that they are staunch supporters and soldiers of the head of state,” and are “ready to fight for the motherland going forward.”


On June 23, Prigozhin vowed retaliation after accusing the Russian Defense Ministry of staging a fatal missile strike on a Wagner camp. In the following hours, the company’s troops captured several military installations in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, with some forces marching on Moscow. A criminal case was opened against Prigozhin.


Prigozhin agreed to halt Wagner’s advance on June 24 as part of a deal with the Russian government mediated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. According to the terms, Moscow agreed to drop the criminal case against the Wagner chief, with Prigozhin consenting to move to Belarus.


Last week, Lukashenko suggested that Wagner forces could be used to defend Belarus, adding that he is “not troubled that we’ll have a certain number of these fighters stationed [in the country].”

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19156514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561 >>6614 >>6731 >>6813

Kremlin: The US Just Confessed To Imminent War Crimes In Ukraine


Statements made by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on the Sunday news shows have been seized upon by the Kremlin as a clear demonstration the US has 'confessed to war crimes'.


Kirby in a fresh interview with ABC was defending President Biden's approving cluster bombs for Ukraine, which are banned by over 120 countries internationally for being 'indiscriminate' and thus more likely to result in civilian deaths. Kirby at one point told ABC that "we can all agree that more civilians have been and will continue to be killed by Russian forces… than will likely be hurt by the use of these cluster munitions."


The administration's consistent rationale has been to say that while yes - this opens up Ukraine's military to the greater likelihood of committing war crimes - it's essentially OK because Russia is doing it.


Russia in particular is highlighting Kirby's admission that some civilians "will likely be hurt" by US-supplied cluster bombs.


Russia's ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov took note of Kirby's 'confession'…


We have taken note of the Director for Strategic Communications of the NSC John Kirby’s statements about the provision of cluster munitions to Ukraine. The official de facto confessed to the United States committing war crimes during the Ukrainian conflict.


He overtly stated that civilians would fall victim to 🇺🇸 cluster-type weapons.


He continued, "According to the perverted view of the White House representative, this does less harm than the actions of Russia."


Multiple leading Western allies have pushed back against the Washington decision, with Germany, the UK, Canada, Austria, and Spain all voicing their disapproval. But Kirby and the administration has emphasized it's all about "keeping Ukraine in the fight."


Kirby in the ABC interview admitted Ukraine's counteroffensive is going slower than expected, and that the rate of artillery fire is higher than what the West can keep up with. Kirby also admitted the higher risk of children and civilians being hurt by unexploded ordinance which is typical of cluster munition usage…


"We are very mindful of the concerns about civilian casualties and unexploded ordinance being picked up by civilians or children and being hurt, of course we're mind of that."


He then sought to justify it by saying the US will join Ukraine in de-mining efforts "when war conditions permit". He essentially shrugged off the criticisms that more civilians, Ukrainians in particular, could be severely maimed or die by cluster munitions. Watch:

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19156532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6537 >>6588 >>6614 >>6731 >>6813

UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election


The powerful United Nations is now seeking to increase its influence worldwide by seizing global “emergency” powers, and President Joe Biden supports their proposal.


Interestingly, the U.N. proposal would begin September 2024, a mere two months before a highly anticipated general election in the U.S.


The global organization will host a “Summit of the Future” where associated nations will adopt a so-called “Pact for the Future.”


The “pact,” or agreement, would set in place multiple policy reforms offered by the U.N. in past years as part of its “Our Common Agenda” platform.


While there are several aggressive proposals included in the agenda, none are as disconcerting as the U.N.’s plan for an “emergency platform,” which would provide the international organization significant powers in times of “global shocks,” such as another global pandemic.


Most details of the U.N.’s proposal were included in a March policy paper titled, “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.”


The U.N.’s secretary-general, António Guterres, outlined the emergency platform proposal: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”


“The challenges we face can only be addressed through stronger international cooperation,” Guterres declared.


The emergency platform would provide the international body with power over all nations in times of distress.


Such power, according to the U.N., is needed to “[e]nsure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.”


According to the U.N.’s policy proposal, the secretary-general could extend the emergency platform, if need be, despite its duration being set for a “finite period.” Such a decision would be made without the consent of any member nations.


So, precisely what type of “global shock” would trigger an emergency platform?


According to the U.N., a “large-scale event,” “future pandemics,” a “disruptions to global digital connectivity,” a “major event in outer space,” and other “unforeseen risks” are all causes of an emergency platform.


Many have criticized the U.N.’s proposal and have accused it of being an attempt at consolidating power.


Although many oppose the proposal, there are some who support it, such as the Biden administration.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19156556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6568 >>6605

Convicted US Olympics Gymnastics Pedo Stabbed In Florida Prison


Former gymnastics doctor for the US Olympics, Larry Nassar, has been stabbed multiple times during an altercation with another inmate in a federal prison in Florida.


According to the Associated Press, the attack happened Sunday at the United States Penitentiary Coleman in Florida. Nassar was in stable condition Monday, according to two people familiar with the matter.


Joe Rojas, a prison union leader, told NBC News that Nassar was stabbed twice in both the neck and back, and another six times in the chest.


Nassar is serving decades in prison for convictions in state and federal courts. He admitted sexually assaulting athletes when he worked at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, which trains Olympians. Separately, Nassar pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography.


During victim impact statements in 2018, several athletes testified that over the course of Nassar's more than two decades of sexual abuse they had told adults what was happening, including coaches and athletic trainers, but that it went unreported. -Associated Press


Over 100 women, including Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, sued the federal government for more than $1 billion over the FBI's failure to stop Nassar when the agency became aware of allegations against him in 2015. He was arrested over a year later by Michigan State University police.


The college - which was also accused of failing to stop Nassar, agreed to pay $500 million to some 300 women and girls who were victimized. USA Gymnastics and the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee settled for $380 million.


Last month the Michigan Supreme Court tossed Nassar's final appeal, after the former doctor's attorneys argued he was treated unfairly in 2018 and deserved a new hearing, citing an incident during the original trial in which the judge called him a "monster" who would "wither" in prison like the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz."


"I just signed your death warrant," said Ingham County Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said when handing down the 40-year sentence.


While the state Supreme Court said it had concerns over the judge's conduct, the court noted that Aquilina still adhered to the sentencing arrangement worked out between parties in the case.


"We decline to expend additional judicial resources and further subject the victims in this case to additional trauma where the questions at hand present nothing more than an academic exercise," said the court.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19156595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6612

SICK: Tennessee Soccer Coach Arrested for Drugging and Raping at Least 10 Children — Police Say “Heartbreaking” Investigation Could Lead to More Charges.


A Tennessee community is reeling after Franklin Police say a popular soccer coach, 56-year-old Camilo Hurtado Campos, was arrested for drugging and raping at least 10 children.


Police say they expect to file more charges in the following weeks while expressing concern that the number of victims is potentially much greater than what is currently known.


According to NBC, Campos is being held on a $525,000 bond while it remains unclear if any counsel has been retained.


In a Sunday press release, it was explained that the the “heartbreaking” investigation was triggered after staff at a local restaurant found a cell phone allegedly belonging to Campos.


While searching the phone in an effort to return it to the owner, law enforcement says workers at the restaurant were shocked to discover “dozens of unconscionable videos and pictures of children.”


Among the horrendous files were numerous videos of Campos “raping unconscious boys between approximately 9 and 17 years old,” police say.


As further detailed in the press release:


“The 63-year-old soccer coach has lived in Franklin for the last 20 years, with that time split between two neighborhoods: Hill Estates and, most recently, on Glass Lane in the downtown Franklin area. During off-hours, Campos frequented nearby school playgrounds in both neighborhoods where he approached kids and recruited them as players on his team. After gaining their trust, Campos invited many of the kids to his home where he drugged and then raped them.”


Law enforcement further explains children seen in recovered videos “were in such an unconscious state, that they might not even realize that they are victims.”


Celebrity Producer and Nashville resident Robby Starbuck expressed outrage over the news while asking the public to help Franklin Police track down and identify the many alleged victims of Campos.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19156608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

University walks back reprimand of gender studies prof who gave student zero for referencing 'biological women'; school reportedly says reprimand 'issued in error'


The University of Cincinnati walked back a reprimand it handed down to an adjunct instructor in the department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies for giving a student a zero for referring to "biological women" in a final project proposal; the school reportedly said the reprimand was "issued in error."


However, the instructor — Melanie Nipper — is still required to complete training on the university’s free speech policy and submit a syllabus to her department head, the New York Post reported, citing the Cincinnati Enquirer.

What is the background?


Student Olivia Krolczyk in May posted a viral TikTok video saying her instructor wrote, “Olivia, this is a solid proposal. However, the terms ‘biological women’ are exclusionary and are not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity." Krolczyk in the video didn't divulge the name of her instructor, the name of her school, or her own last name.


Also in the video, Krolczyk called the zero grade "biased" and added that her project "is about transgenders competing in biological women’s sports. How am I supposed to do my final project if I can’t use the word ‘biological women,' but that’s what my project is about?”


In another TikTok clip, Krolczyk added that she would be taking up the issue with her school's Office for Equal Opportunity.


Soon the Enquirer got an interview with Nipper, who defended giving Krolczyk a zero. Nipper told the paper it's her job to correct students when they use "outdated terminology" but added they only will receive "a zero for an assignment, not a zero for the course."


The Post said in a separate story that the Enquirer soon obtained the university's letter formally reprimanding Nipper, which indicated it would be placed in her "permanent records." In addition to completing training on the school's free-speech policy, the letter said Nipper must submit future syllabi for approval, the Post said.


“It is also understood that any other violations of UC policy may be subject to further disciplinary actions up to and including termination," the letter said. "You are reminded that as an unrepresented, unclassified ‘at will’ employee your employment may be terminated with or without cause.”


Ashley Currier — head of the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at UC — handed down the reprimand, the Post said, citing the Enquirer, adding that Nipper responded June 19 requesting an appeal.

Reprimand reversed — but punishment stands


The Post, citing the Enquirer, reported that Nipper’s reprimand will be removed from her personnel file, although she's still required to complete training on the university’s free speech policy and submit a syllabus to her department head.


After Nipper filed her appeal request and met with university administrators, the school ruled that the reprimand was “issued in error," the Post said, citing the Enquirer.


Nipper argued that her grade for Krolczyk didn't violate the school's free speech policy, the Post said.


Krolczyk sent a statement to the Enquirer about the reprimand walk-back, according to the Post: “UC is affirming that professors will have no consequences for failing students with dissenting opinions. … They will not uphold a student’s rights to free speech and will take no action to ensure that the educators hired are acting in a professional manner."

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19156640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6731 >>6813

Erdoğan Demands EU Membership Path for Turkey in Exchange for Backing Sweden’s NATO Bid


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday introduced a new condition for approving Sweden’s membership in NATO, calling on European countries to “open the way” for Turkey to join the European Union.


The surprise announcement by Erdogan before departing for a NATO summit in Lithuania’s capital added new uncertainty to Sweden’s bid to become the alliance’s 32nd member, which Turkey initially blocked by saying Sweden was too soft on Kurdish militants and other groups that Ankara considers security threats.


It was the first time that Erdogan linked his country’s ambition to join the EU with Sweden’s efforts to become a NATO member.


“Turkey has been waiting at the door of the European Union for over 50 years now, and almost all of the NATO member countries are now members of the European Union,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul. “I am making this call to these countries that have kept Turkey waiting at the gates of the European Union for more than 50 years.”


“Come and open the way for Turkey’s membership in the European Union. When you pave the way for Turkey, we’ll pave the way for Sweden as we did for Finland,” he added.


Earlier, Erdogan’s office said he told U.S. President Joe Biden during a telephone call Sunday that Turkey wanted a “clear and strong” message of support for Turkey’s EU ambitions from the NATO leaders meeting in Vilnius. The White House readout of the Biden-Erdogan call did not mention the issue of Turkish membership in the EU.


Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson met later Monday as they arrived in Vilnius, where NATO leaders are to meet over the next two days to discuss a host of issues including NATO’s future relations with Ukraine.


Asked about Erdogan’s comments, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he supports Turkey’s ambition to join the EU but noted that it wasn’t among the conditions listed in an agreement that Sweden, Finland and Turkey signed at last year’s NATO summit in Madrid.


Stoltenberg reiterated that Sweden had met those conditions and said he thinks it is “still possible to have a positive decision” on the country’s pending membership during this week’s summit in Lithuania.


EU Commission spokesperson Dana Spinant said that “you cannot link the two processes in regards to Turkey.”


Turkey is a candidate to join the EU, but democratic backsliding during Erdogan’s presidency, disputes with EU-member Cyprus and other issues have held up the country’s progress toward admission in the 27-nation bloc.


However, as a member of NATO, Erdogan’s government has postponed ratifying Sweden’s accession to the alliance, saying the administration in Stockholm needs to do more to crack down on Kurdish militants and other groups. A series of anti-Turkey and anti-Islam protests in Sweden’s capital raised doubts that an agreement to satisfy Turkey’s demands could be reached before the NATO summit.


Turkey’s delays on Sweden’s accession have irritated other NATO allies including the United States. Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, confirmed Sunday that Biden and Erdogan had spoken earlier that day about Sweden’s NATO membership among other issues and had agreed to meet in Vilnius for further talks. Sullivan didn’t mention the EU membership issue.


He said the White House is confident Sweden will join the alliance.


“If it happens after Vilnius – we’re confident it will happen,” he said. “We don’t regard this as something that is fundamentally in doubt. This is a matter of timing. The sooner the better.”

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19156651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6731 >>6813

Collapsed Bank's Former Owner Sues Feds For Billions After Massive Bailout


California tech lender Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) parent company sued the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Sunday for nearly $2 billion months after the regulator bailed out depositors at its main company, according to a bankruptcy court filing.


SVB Financial Group (SVBFG) filed for bankruptcy in March, just days after its main business SVB collapsed and its depositors received a substantial bailout from the FDIC’s taxpayer-backed Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF). SVBFG alleges the FDIC violated U.S. bankruptcy law by retaining almost $2 billion of its cash following the regulator’s takeover of SVB in March, according to the filing.


The FDIC estimated SVB’s failure depleted the DIF by $16 billion and that, as the regulator assesses the portion of the cost SVBFG should pay for the rescue, it has legal authority to keep the seized $1.93 billion, according to Reuters.


“These continuing violations are having a significant impact on the Debtor,” SVBG wrote in the filing. “The $1.93 billion in Account Funds is the core estate asset. The Debtor’s lack of access to these Account Funds is impeding its ability to reorganize, and causing harm to the Debtor on a continuous basis.”


SVBFG stressed the need to receive the cash promptly for planning purposes, and added that the $1.93 billion “should be generating more than $100 million in annual interest for the estate at current rates,” according to the filing.


SVB collapsed on March 10 and the FDIC used its DIF to rescue all of the bank’s depositors on March 13, including those with over $250,000 in deposits, which is the insured limit. SVB was the second-largest bank failure in American history at the time, according to CNN Business.


Over 70% of 1,000 likely voters surveyed did not approve of the FDIC using its DIF to bail out large depositors at SVB, according to a poll published by Convention of States Action in collaboration with The Trafalgar Group in April.


SVBFG did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


The FDIC declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19156663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6676

Gender “fluidity” is based on delusional FAKE SCIENCE, just like Covid “vaccines” and most prescription medications


Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes, including human genetics, anatomy, and physiology. Unfortunately, biological sex is now being confused or convoluted with "gender" language in our society, even though the two sexes are completely differentiated by females who have ovaries and produce eggs, and males who have testes and produce sperm (hence the different sex chromosomes, where females have 2 X chromosomes, and males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome).


Yet, the allopathic masses, who claim to only "follow the science" when it comes to healthcare, are living in complete DENIAL when it comes to the science of gender, somehow claiming that men can have babies and breastfeed, and women can get each other pregnant by having sex. It's called "gender fluidity," and any person can switch genders, back and forth, at any time, any day they choose, according to the liberals, Leftists, and allopathic "pro-science" hypocrites.


It's a gender-bender cult, and if you disagree with them in any way, then you are "offending" them, "attacking" them, and you are labeled a gay-bashing hater who commits "hate crimes" worthy of jail sentences. You simply cannot make this stuff up, as it's happening all across the country, especially in Democrat-run and controlled metro cities, school systems, and all over every platform on social media.


A child's biological sex, male or female, is determined by the chromosome that the male parent contributes


The science behind gender is quite simple, as DNA shows whether someone is male or female. There are no contentions here, but the Democrats, liberals, and anti-science, "pro-science" gender-confused masses don't see it that way. When it comes to gender choice and climate change, they don't want anything to do with science, because it disproves their "cultist" stances. If they were to look into their deadly prescription medications and clot shot Covid "vaccines" a little further, they would find out those are not really based on proper science research or legitimate clinical trials either.


The true motives behind supporting the gender-bender drugs and surgeries don't have so much to do with the adults trying to attract other adults to their perversions, but more so to brainwash children and teens into their cultist ways, and it's just plain sick, twisted, abusive, and delusional. With all the child trafficking, kidnapping, and slave trade going on, including in America, you would think these folks would want to be more careful about how they treat and influence children, but it's just the opposite.


The entire "gender-affirming care" movement is rooted in fake science, where parents, psychiatrists, and surgeons all pretend that hormone drugs and genitalia-mutilation surgery can change someone's gender. Big Pharma and Big Tech are "all in" because of the money and the politics of it all.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19156679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6685

Brown University’s student newspaper completed a study concluding that 38% of students at the school identify as LGBT.


The Brown Daily Herald, Brown’s student newspaper, reported massive increases in the number of LGBT students on campus since 2010. Some of these statistics include a 26% increase in gay/lesbian students, a 232% increase in bisexual students and a 793% increase in the number of students identifying as any sect of the LGBT community, the Herald reports.


Overall, these statistics show that the number of LGBT students on campus has tripled in the past 13 years, which is an increases of over five times the national rate.


Since 2010, the student newspaper has also added to its options available for students to identify as. In Spring 2022, they added several options for respondents to select, which include: “queer,” “pansexual,” “asexual” and “Questioning/Unsure.”


Brown University does not support claims that social contagion is to blame for the increasing numbers of LGBT students. Dr. Lisa Littman, a former professor at the university, was forced out of the school after claiming that part of the reason for the increasing numbers of transgenders is caused by social pressure from friends, according to the Washington Examiner.


The College Fix, an organization that uses students to break news on college campuses, has also found that bisexual identification is much more common than actual bisexual, sexual activity. “If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” Eric Kaufman told The College Fix. “What we find instead is that identity is rising much faster than behavior, indicating that people with occasional rather than sustained feelings of attraction to the opposite sex are increasingly identifying as LGBT.”

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19156696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6731 >>6813

US climate envoy John Kerry to visit China


John Kerry, the U.S. special envoy for climate change, will travel to Beijing this month for talks with Chinese officials on global warming, a State Department official said on Friday. The trip will mark the third to China in the last month by a member of President Joe Biden’s cabinet.


The trip will take place in the week starting July 16, an official at the State Department told Radio Free Asia on condition of anonymity because the travel plans have not yet been officially announced.


Kerry is expected to meet with Xie Zhenhua, his Chinese counterpart as special envoy for climate change. The pair have not met publicly for talks since then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s August 2022 trip to Taiwan threw ties between Beijing and Washington off course.


In an interview with The New York Times, Kerry said he would seek “genuine cooperation” during the visit, which follows trips by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.


“China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world and we’re also the two largest emitters,” Kerry said. “It’s clear that we have a special responsibility to find common ground.”


The meetings will take place as the El Niño pattern sets in, causing record-setting temperatures and flooding in China. Meteorological authorities also say that July 4 was the hottest ever recorded day.


Important talks


Kerry’s trip will be his third to China as climate envoy since Biden appointed the former U.S. secretary of state to the role in 2021.


It comes as American and Chinese officials cautiously test a thaw in relations after almost a year of intensifying bad blood over issues like the status of the self-governing island of Taiwan, the alleged Chinese spy balloon found over the United States and microchip exports.


The stakes in the talks for climate change mitigation will be high: China is the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, responsible for about 30% of emissions, while the United States is second, at about 10%.


Even though China has emerged as a frontrunner in global renewable energy – thanks to a blend of incentives and regulatory policies to host about 50% of the world’s operational wind and solar capacity – fossil fuels also currently generate about two-thirds of China’s electricity.


In 2022, China alone accounted for 53% of the world’s coal-fired electricity generation, showing a dramatic revival in appetite for new coal power projects. Chinese officials have said emissions will likely peak in 2030 before slowing down to reach net zero by 2060.


Last year, Beijing approved the highest new coal-fired power capacity in eight years. That has continued this year, environmental group Greenpeace said in April, with China’s government approving at least 20.45 GW of new coal capacity in the first three months of 2023.


Yet climate change remains one of the most visible areas where U.S. and Chinese officials have sought cooperation in recent years.


In May, the U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, said the two governments have a joint interest in working to mitigate climate change. Despite the tense relations between the countries, he said, Kerry and Xie kept talking and “work together … very effectively.”


“It doesn’t mean they always see eye to eye,” Burns said at an online event hosted by the Stimson Center. “But I think both governments want to work to see if we can achieve the U.N. target of limiting the average global increase to 1.5 degrees Centigrade.”

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.19156701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden prosecutor received October 2020 briefing on claims Joe and his son received $5 million each in bribes: Republican Senator demands to know why damning FBI memo wasn't investigated and the IRS wasn't informed


A meeting was held on October 23, 2020 to brief Hunter Biden prosecutors on an alleged 'criminal bribery scheme'

Republicans are investigating two alleged $5 million 'bribery' payments from a foreign national to both Joe and Hunter outlined in a FD-1023 form

Sen. Chuck Grassley says there has been 'questionable and obstructive conduct' by DOJ prosecutors


A top attorney prosecuting Hunter Biden was briefed about allegations Joe and his son received $5 million each in bribes, but didn't investigate and left IRS investigators out of the meeting, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley has claimed.


According to a letter obtained by that Grassley sent to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss - who is prosecuting Hunter Biden for federal gun and tax crimes - the senator alleges obstruction of the Hunter probe by one of his top prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf.


Grassley says that according to IRS whistleblowers, Wolf 'prevented investigators from seeking information about Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter Biden's criminal business arrangements.' Whistleblower Gary Shapley specifically stated that Wolf 'discouraged' investigators from pursuing Joe Biden-connected leads, including by thwarting a search warrant request of Biden's Delaware guest house due to bad 'optics,' and that the prosecutor said there was 'no specific criminality.'


The senator references a meeting on October 23, 2020 during which he says Department of Justice and FBI officials from the Pittsburgh Field Office briefed Wolf and agents from the Baltimore Field Office 'with respect to the contents of the FBI-generated FD1023 alleging a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden' without any IRS agents present.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19156717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6731 >>6732 >>6765 >>6813

YMCA Accuses Teen Girl of Hate Speech for Opposing Man in Girls' Locker Room


Yet another “trans”-cultic offense against children, women, decency, reason, and basic human rights has taken place. Such offenses will continue unless and until right-thinking Americans oppose them with courage and tenacity—oh, and lawsuits.


The Springfield YMCA Typhoons Swim Team (SPY) in Springfield, Illinois now allows biological men who pretend to be women to enter the girls’ locker room—including when minor girls are present and undressing. The coaches and YMCA administrators began this practice without telling any girls or their parents.


Here is an excerpt from a summary provided by the father of one of the girl swimmers at the center of what should be a shocking event:


On April 27, 2023, my sixteen-year-old daughter, a member of the YMCA SPY Swim Team, entered the girl’s locker to change out of her swimsuit and noticed a couple transgender individuals sitting in the locker room. My daughter went back out on the pool deck and informed the head swim coach, Alex Totura, of the situation and he responded to her by stating, “There’s nothing I can do about it.”


On May 10, 2023, the SPY Swim Team held their monthly parent meeting where the issue of girls’ locker room use by biological males was brought up. The meeting was attended by Angie Sowle, Chief Executive Officer of the YMCA. The parents were told there’s nothing that can be done about it.


Parents asked if the YMCA could ask the transgender members to use the Family Changing Area (private bathrooms with toilet, sink shower and changing area) instead of the girl’s locker room. The YMCA staff said they could not do that because it is discrimination and against the law.


Parents asked if the YMCA could send out a notification to swim team members that transgender people were using the girl’s locker room so that member could make informed decisions for their family. Again, the YMCA staff said that they could not do that because it is discrimination and against the law.


After the Parent Meeting, my daughter, her mom, and another swim mom approached Ms. Sowle and Coach Totura. My daughter said that she didn’t understand why this is happening and asked how long the YMCA knew about this. Coach Totura laughed and stated, “transgender people have been around a long time.” My daughter then stated, “That is not the question I asked.” She asked the question again and Ms. Sowle responded, “We have known for a while."

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19156745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6760 >>6813

Obama-era emails reveal Hunter's extensive ties to nearly a dozen senior-level Biden admin aides


Hunter deeply connected to Biden's inner circle as whistleblowers cry foul over federal probe


Nearly a dozen current and former officials serving in the White House and Biden administration, including the president's national security adviser and the secretary of state, have extensive ties to Hunter Biden, who is accused by Republicans of selling access to his father, dating back over a decade.


A Fox News Digital analysis reveals the extent of Hunter's potential reach in the White House, while the embattled first son is expected to make his first court appearance on July 26 for two alleged misdemeanor tax violations and a felony gun charge.


The Justice Department announced last month that Hunter had entered a plea agreement in the case that will likely keep him out of jail. U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss, who led the investigation, is facing demands from Republicans probing alleged improper retaliation against whistleblowers who claimed the probe was "influenced by politics" and that Weiss was "hamstrung" when making prosecutorial decisions.


The analysis includes two members of Biden's Cabinet and one former Cabinet member, a top aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a national security adviser, five top Biden White House aides, and a top Biden campaign aide who is currently on leave from her role as a communications director for first lady Jill Biden.

Jake Sullivan


Hunter Biden and President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, served together on the board of the Truman National Security Project, a liberal foreign policy think tank, for roughly two years before Sullivan joined the president’s campaign in 2020.


Hunter, who started serving on the board in 2012, and Sullivan both served on the Washington-based nonprofit’s board between 2017 and early 2019, according to internet archives captured by the Wayback Machine.


During that time, Hunter was also serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese private equity fund BHR Partners. The federal investigation into Hunter's foreign business dealings, which is still ongoing, also launched during the same time frame in 2018.


Sullivan was recently accused by former White House official Mike McCormick of being a "conspirator" in the Biden family's "kickback scheme" in Ukraine when Biden was vice president.


Sullivan denied the allegations, telling reporters that he had nothing to do with such an operation.


Antony Blinken


Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with Hunter Biden at the State Department in July 2015 when he was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration and Hunter was on Burisma's board, according to emails previously reviewed and verified by Fox News Digital.


The meeting was two months in the making after Hunter emailed Blinken in late May 2015, asking, "Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee? I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things."


Blinken said "absolutely" and Hunter forwarded Blinken's full email response to Devon Archer, who was also serving on the Burisma board with him. However, the initial meeting appeared to have been canceled due to the admission of Hunter’s older brother, Beau Biden, to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland because of a recurrence of brain cancer. Beau passed away on May 30, 2015.

Anonymous ID: 8f95b4 July 10, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19156748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CBP Released Illegal Immigrant on FBI Terrorist Watchlist after Arizona Arrest


In the latest national security blow to come out of the southwest border U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended and subsequently released an illegal immigrant on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) terrorist watchlist. CBP arrested the migrant, whose gender is not being identified by authorities, and their family in Yuma, Arizona and supposedly screened them for national security threats. Based on the information provided by CBP, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) determined that the migrant was an inconclusive terrorist watchlist match and the frontline Homeland Security agency released the illegal alien. A few days later, the suspect and family members checked in at the Palm Springs International Airport in California for a flight to Tampa, Florida and during pre-flight screening the TSC obtained additional information from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that “confirmed the migrant was a positive Terrorist Watchlist match,” according to a heavily redacted federal audit. It took another two weeks for the feds to finally arrest the illegal immigrant, according to the report.


The document was recently made public with extensive redactions by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General, which concluded that “CBP’s ineffective practices and processes for resolving inconclusive matches with the Terrorist Watchlist led to multiple mistakes.” As an example, investigators write that CBP sent a request to interview the migrant to the wrong electronic mail address, obtained information requested by the TSC but never shared it, and released the migrant before fully coordinating with the FBI screening center. “Once the migrant was identified as a positive match with the Terrorist Watchlist, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prioritized arresting the migrant but faced multiple challenges sharing information within ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations while planning and conducting the arrest,” the report states. When ICE finally received the necessary information, it safely apprehended the illegal alien, the report confirms.


In all, the foreigner on the terrorist watchlist was free in the U.S. for more than two weeks while the feds sorted out their inept system for keeping the nation safe. The DHS watchdog found that CBP missed multiple opportunities to help the TSC verify the migrant was a “positive Terrorist Watchlist match before releasing the migrant.” Because such large chunks of the report are redacted, specifics of how CBP dropped the ball are not available, but it appears to be a broad problem at the agency that is hardly limited to this case. That is why the DHS IG conducted the probe to review CBP’s screening process of a suspected terrorist and the timing of ICE’s subsequent arrest following the suspected terrorist’s release in the U.S. “If CBP’s ineffective practices for resolving inconclusive Terrorist Watchlist matches continue, the component risks releasing individuals into the United States who potentially threaten national security and public safety,” the report states. Despite the omitted portions, the document does a solid job explaining that CBP released the migrant without sharing information that would have confirmed the terrorist watchlist match.


The public disclosure of this inconceivable case comes on the heels of equally distressing information involving terrorists and the famously porous southern border. Just a few weeks ago, Judicial Watch reported that a record number of foreigners who appear on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) have been caught trying to enter the U.S. through Mexico. In April alone federal agents caught 16 illegal immigrants who appear on the TSDB trying to enter the country through the southern border, according to the latest government figures. The TSDB contains thousands of records that are updated daily and shared with federal state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement as well as the intelligence community and international partners to “ensure that individuals with links to terrorism are appropriately screened,” according to the FBI. The April figure is more than the total terrorists caught in four previous years—2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined. With about three months till the end of the fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have already encountered 98 migrants that appear on the TSDB list.