Hi, Q. Hussein is in Kenya? San Francisco to JFK, Hmmmm….>>1915880
Why would the cops have to board because of a radio problem?
Snowden coming in from China? Assange?>>1915880
Is Ruthy one of the Xs? She was seen going into the House today with a grin on her face.
>>1916147 JA was in the news again this week and JC's deliberate KILLING of what JA had on the HRC Email scandal. JC killed the immunity deal. Has POTUS reinstated it in exchange for the keys to the witch's castle?
Ha, I didn't see you post this. JA get immunity and is being escorted for his safety at JFK?
Server on the plane?
JA instructs server be sent for safekeeping somewhere in the East. Trusted agent holds the server until now and has it shipped to San Francisco. From San Fran it goes to NYC for pickup. The server has it all. SR had it all. Now it is in the hands of the good guys. JA will get immunity. SR will be avenged.