Anonymous ID: 6cea2a July 10, 2023, 10:18 p.m. No.19159535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Every now and then I fantasize about hunter going completely rogue and throwing himself to the masses on social media in every way he can.. he's apparently a natural at leaking shit.. Imagine if he was like "I fucked up, I'm an addict, I'm complicit in horrendous corruption, I'm your rock & roll junkie-victim, but I want to make it right in any little way I can., 24 hr surveillance me under house arrest, and subscribe, My dad's rotten to the core, I'm gonna try to be there for my stripper's kid."


I mean in reality the dude holds a weird sort of power being the biggest public fuck up of recent history… he could make gazillions off of his own shitty personality, even if it were from prison.. All he'd have to do is keep telling stories about how the bad guys get away with dumb shit.