Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 8:56 p.m. No.19159255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265

>>19159154 lb/pb


Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is also called acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP). It is a neurological disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, the part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. The onset of GBS can be quite sudden and unexpected and requires immediate hospitalization. It can develop over a few days, or it may take up to several weeks with the greatest weakness occurring within the first couple of weeks after symptoms appear.


GBS is rare, affecting about 3,000 people in the U.S. It can affect people at any age and both men and women equally. GBS often develops after a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection.


Reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome After COVID-19 Vaccination in the United States

This study found disproportionate reporting and imbalances after Ad26.COV2.S vaccination, suggesting that Ad26.COV2.S vaccination was associated with increased risk for GBS. Ad26.COV2.S = (Janssen) = (Johnson & Johnson)


J&J adds Chile, Argentina and Peru to Latin America COVID-19 vaccine trials


What is Guillain-Barré syndrome, the outbreak that forced Peru to declare emergency?

Since June 2023, 182 cases have been reported nationwide, of which 147 have been discharged, 31 remain hospitalised, and four have died, MercoPress news agency reported.

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m. No.19159348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478


Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute self-limited polyneuropathy named after Guillain, Barré, and Strohl, who first reported it in 1916. History of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

In 1916 three guys discover a syndrome involving degradation of peripheral nerves. The syndrome is named after just the first two.

On Christmas day in 1961 Israeli Spy Robert Maxwell's wife pops out a girl in Maisons-Laffitte and gives her a traditional local name meaning 'pledge', Ghislaine.

William Pelham Barr (born May 23, 1950) is an American attorney who served as the 77th and 85th United States attorney general.

Saturday a health emergency was declared in Peru due to the “unusual increase” in cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome.


>Do they have a human trafficking disease/epidemic down there in Peru???


As reported over the past five years, human traffickers exploit domestic and foreign victims in Peru, and traffickers exploit victims from Peru abroad. Traffickers exploit Peruvian and foreign women and girls, and to a lesser extent boys, in sex trafficking within the country; traffickers increasingly recruit victims through social media platforms, often through false employment offers or deceptive romantic relationships. Traffickers lure Peruvian, Venezuelan, and Bolivian women and girls to remote communities near mining and logging operations through false promises of lucrative employment opportunities then exploit them in sex trafficking after arrival. Tourists from the United States and Europe purchase sex from child trafficking victims in areas such as Cusco, Lima, and the Peruvian Amazon. In the Loreto region, criminal groups facilitate transportation of foreign tourists by boat to remote locations where traffickers exploit women and children in sex trafficking in venues on the Amazon River. Pandemic-related travel restrictions halted most tourism to Peru in 2021; while the lack of tourism may have decreased some forms of trafficking, local NGOs report other forms of exploitation increased as traffickers shifted operations online. Traffickers exploit Peruvian and foreign adults and children in forced labor in the country, principally in illegal and legal gold mining and related activities, logging, agriculture, brick-making, unregistered factories, counterfeit operations, organized street begging, and domestic service. Traffickers subject Peruvians to forced labor in gold mines and service jobs in nearby makeshift camps; traffickers compel victims through deceptive recruitment, debt-based coercion, isolation and restricted freedom of movement, withholding of or non-payment of wages, and threats and use of physical violence. Traffickers subject children to forced labor in begging, street vending, domestic service, cocaine production and transportation, and other criminal activities.

2022 Trafficking in Persons Report: Peru

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 10:07 p.m. No.19159503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514


>and anon's retarded, slowed from hit in head, fucking weird but hey, anon knows stuff now.

'A blow to the head can sometimes unmask hidden artistic or intellectual gifts

One plausible explanation for the hidden talents that emerge in savant syndrome—whether early in life or induced by injury—is that these reservoirs of skill and knowledge must be inherited in some way. We do not start life with a blank slate that subsequently gets inscribed through education and other life experiences. The brain may come loaded with a set of innate predispositions for processing what it sees or for understanding the “rules” of music, art or mathematics. … Acquired savantism provides strong evidence that a deep well of brain potential resides within us all.'

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 10:17 p.m. No.19159532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"A blow to the head can sometimes unmask hidden arutistic"

>Fixed that fer ya.

That's a quote from the linked article, but I agree. Autism is in the mix with respect to individuals with access to genetic memory.

Autists have the access to what are otherwise obscured human processes:


What is coded in your DNA?


Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.



Genetic Memory: How We Know Things We Never Learned

Genetic memory, simply put, is complex abilities and actual sophisticated knowledge inherited along with other more typical and commonly accepted physical and behavioral characteristics. Whether called genetic, ancestral or racial memory, or intuitions or congenital gifts, the concept of a genetic transmission of sophisticated knowledge well beyond instincts, is necessary to explain how prodigious savants can know things they never learned. … the animal kingdom provides ample examples of complex inherited capacities beyond physical characteristics. Monarch butterflies each year make a 2,500-mile journey from Canada to a small plot of land in Mexico where they winter. In spring they begin the long journey back north, but it takes three generations to do so. So no butterfly making the return journey has flown that entire route before. How do they “know” a route they never learned?


… I agree with Dr. William Carpenter that savants demonstrate a “congenital aptitude for certain mental activity, which showed itself at so early a period as to exclude the notion that it could have been acquired by the experience of the individual”. I call that genetic memory, and I propose that it exists in all of us. The challenge is how to tap that dormant capacity non-intrusively and without a brain injury or similar incident.


“In each of the foregoing cases, then, we have a peculiar example of the possession of an extraordinary congenital aptitude for certain mental activity, which showed itself at so early a period as to exclude the notion that it could have been acquired by the experience of the individual. To such congenital gifts we give the name of intuitions: it can scarcely be questioned that like the instincts of the lower animals, they are the expressions of constitutional tendencies embodied in the organism of the individuals who manifest them.”


A.A. Brill Some peculiar manifestations of memory with special reference to lightening calculators. January 1940

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 10:32 p.m. No.19159573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597


>nothing but "Jews bad."

Here's something I've been working on to help newfags. Let me know what you think:


When you read each Q Post ask yourself who the information is intended for and what is the information intended to accomplish. Among other things Q informed us that not all posts were meant for anons.


If a Q post reveals information similar to 'Patton has an army in England' or 'The landing will be at Pas-de-Calais' or 'We'll be on the beach on the next new moon', think about both the intended target of the information as well as the information's purpose. With information that reveals strategy, tactics, or deadlines the target of that information is the opposing force and the purpose is military deception.


In the writings of Q this is true of dates and/or hints of dates in particular. For example, 'D5' was a very successful illustration of a feint that caused the opposing force to take an unnecessary action.


"A feint is an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action." (JP 3-13.4 I-9)


The 'D5' feint resulted in the GHWB funeral. The opposing force wasted 'ammunition' (Q#2553). The following objective was achieved:


"Causing the adversary to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and material resources in ways that were advantageous to the friendly force." (JP 3 - 13.4 I-6)


In the writings of Q '11.3' and '11.11.18' are examples of information that conveys multiple possible interpretations. Information like '11.3' and '11.11.18' is consistent with DISO, or Deception in Support of Operations Security. DISO:


"… protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities. (JP 3-13.4 I-2)


CBTS and /qresearch were used as MILDEC conduits.


"Within MILDEC, conduits are information or intelligence gateways to the deception target. Conduits may be used to control flows of information to a deception target. It is rare that a deceptive message is sent directly to the deception target itself. Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) with the expectation that the deceptive message will systematically make its way to the deception target." (JP 3-13.4 I-4)


Anons who interpreted and amplified 'D5', '11.3','11.11.18', etc. served a specific and positive purpose.


Not every Q post is intended to deceive. The conduit and the information source had to appear authentic and real information was shared along with information similar to the above examples.


Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication JP 3-13.4 explains further if you are interested:

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 10:42 p.m. No.19159599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Use the filter function, Anon. You don't have to try to swim in the shallow end with all the yelling and splashing. … On second thought you might prefer a quiet beach.

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 10:52 p.m. No.19159623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9685


Could you post the Abstract and Conclusion pages, Anon. The study is valuable. Thank you. It could still be referenced here through an understanding of the abstract and conclusion. That won't suffice for evidence in a formal scientific arena but /qresearch isn't that kind of place.

Anonymous ID: 76edc2 July 10, 2023, 11:04 p.m. No.19159650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Until that time … it's all shitposts, all the time.

That's not accurate. I understand why you would make that assertion. One must aggressively filter - either through electronic or cognitive means - in order to contribute here or glean a post of substance amongst the stubble.