Anonymous ID: b7c2b5 July 11, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.19160698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0731

Christie: Trump goes to bed every night ‘thinking about the sound of the jail cell door closing’


GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie said Tuesday that former President Trump goes to bed every night thinking about the threat of going to jail over his 37-count federal indictment in the classified documents case.


Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, said based on the indictment, he believes Trump would be convicted and ultimately face jail time if he went to trial. During an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” he said that to avoid going to jail, Trump may consider taking a plea deal instead of going to trial, despite his claims that he is not “afraid.”


“Because part of what the Department of Justice has always done, under all of the attorneys general that I’ve seen in my lifetime, is if we offer you a plea — which I’m certain they will — and you turn it down and you take us to trial and you’re convicted, that judge is sending you to jail,” said Christie, who has been outspoken in criticizing Trump on the presidential trail.


“And I’m telling you, no matter what he says no matter how he’s bragging and going on and on, about him not being afraid, he goes to bed every night, thinking about the sound of that jail cell door closing behind them,” he said.


“So the point of all that, really is to say, when push comes to shove, I’m not so sure [Trump] won’t take a plea. Because if that’s the only way he knows he can avoid prison, I think he just may,” he added.


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