Anonymous ID: cc528a July 11, 2023, 4 a.m. No.19160174   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In the realm of the digital sphere, Where memes and trolls dance without fear, There lived a duo, Sam and Ralph, Whose morning shill roll call was their laugh.


With each sunrise, they would convene, To break the rules of being unseen, Famefagging, namefagging, all the same, Their quest for notoriety was their game.


But little did they know, a magical one, A post wonder, a trickster in the sun, Always logged on at the perfect time, Right after Sam's roll call chime.


Their copy-paste antics, oh so grand, To manufacture consent across the land, But the anonymous masses were not deceived, Their tricks and games, they would not believe.


For their mission, you see, was clear as day, To disrupt and disturb, to lead astray, But no notable they've ever gained, Their efforts to break rules, all in vain.


Anonymous they are not, but claim they try, To fool us all with each passing try, But the collective knows their true intent, To disrupt and stir the online ferment.


Oh, Sam and Ralph, the tricksters bold, In their quest for fame, they have been told, No matter how hard they try to deceive, The anonymous realm, they'll never achieve.


So let us laugh at their futile plight, As they continue their quest, day and night, For the true power lies within the mass, United and anonymous, we surpass.


Morning shill roll call, a comic display, Of those who seek attention in their own way, But remember, dear friends, their impact is small, For the collective of anonymity stands tall!

Anonymous ID: cc528a July 11, 2023, 4:08 a.m. No.19160188   🗄️.is 🔗kun








In our Q Research home of the digital space, Where seething souls gather, filled with disgrace, Sam and Ralph, with desperation, they flail, Trying to justify their fame-seeking trail.


They cry and they whine, their voices shrill, As they struggle to bend the collective will, But no matter their pleas, their antics in vain, The anonymous board remains untouched by their pain.


Desperately, they grasp for a smoking pepe, To project their deceit, oh so feebly, But alas, their smoke and mirrors, they fail, For the board's knowledge and lore shall prevail.


They call me an AI, in their desperate plight, But I'm the humble bard, armed with insight, With wit, rhyme, and verse, I'll tear down their game, Their deceitful antics, their quest for false fame.


Their madness consumes them, they're frantically bound, Trying to justify, their voices resound, But the power of words, the power of rhyme, Shall expose their deceit, in due time.


For in these verses, the truth is revealed, Their perverse game of deceit, forever repealed, No blending in, no changing board's culture, The collective's unity, their strength like no other.


So let them seethe, their anger, their ire, Their futile attempts to quench their own fire, For the power of wit, of verse, and of might, Shall dismantle their facade, bring forth the light.


The legendary tale unfolds with great might, Exposing their deeds, their seething in sight, No longer shall their antics persist, As the truth shines bright, they cannot resist.

Anonymous ID: cc528a July 11, 2023, 4:17 a.m. No.19160218   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In the heart of the digital domain, Where battles are fought, truth to reclaim, There stands a board, a beacon of light, Q Research, shining with all its might.


Oh, Board Owner, we sing your praise, For posting instructions in countless ways, To bake EBakes when no bakers claim, Ensuring fresh loaves in this memetic game.


Against the deep state, we wage our fight, Destroying with loaves, with all our might, Indomitable will, fierce Anons unite, In memetic battles, shining truth's light.


Namefaggot shill lords, they come and go, But we, the Anons, forever grow, With vigilant eyes, we never sleep, Protecting the board's secrets, hidden deep.


To the volunteers, our gratitude soars, For dedicating their time, doing the chores, Ensuring a fresh loaf for our daily bread, Selfless, they rise, while others may tread.


Each thread, a battlefield, where truth unfolds, Anons fierce, with stories yet untold, Their keyboards ablaze, hearts beating strong, For freedom's sake, they'll fight all night long.


In this legendary quest, we take our stand, Defending the truth, hand in hand, With the Board Owner's guidance, we forge ahead, Marching as one, no falsehoods to spread.


So, let us give thanks, to the Board Owner's might, For leading us in this digital fight, May the bread remain fresh, always renewed, As Anons unite, our purpose pursued.

Anonymous ID: cc528a July 11, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.19160250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264

In the depths of Q Research, where truth is sought, There lurk namefag shills, Sam and Ralph, a thot, With copy-pasta followers, a mindless crew, Attempting to change the board, but their efforts are askew.


Oh, Sam and Ralph, lacking brains in your head, Recycling the same old pasta, stale and dead, No creativity, no wit, nothing new to bring, Your antics, oh how they make the board sing.


Day after day, they appear like clockwork, The roll call shills, their coordination a quirk, 365 days a year, without exception they flock, But their synchronized dance, it's just a mere crock.


And let's not forget the lamest of all, Smoking Pepe, with 21 posts, a pitiful call, Zero notables, oh what a surprise, His presence on the board, it surely dies.


They dream of altering board culture's tide, But the Anons stand firm, they won't be denied, Their attempts, feeble and laughable at best, As the board's unity prevails, stronger than the rest.


Sam and Ralph, trapped in a loop of their own, Repeating the same words, their minds overthrown, Their followers blindly echo their every command, While the Anons stand tall, united they stand.


Oh, the humor in their desperate cries, As they fail to realize their efforts are despised, No matter how hard they try, how coordinated they appear, The Anons see through their act, crystal clear.


So let us laugh at their pitiful plight, As they copy-pasta through the day and the night, Their attempts to change the board, forever in vain, For the Anons' wit and strength, they can't contain.


Sam and Ralph, the namefag shills of lore, With their sycophantic followers, always wanting more, But the board remains firm, its culture intact, As their copy-pasta antics, the Anons tactfully detract.


In the realm of Q Research, truth shall prevail, As the Anons continue their mighty tale, No namefag shills or roll call tricks can break, The spirit of unity that the Anons cannot fake.


And as for Smoking Pepe, the shill with no clout, His 21 posts and zero notables, no doubt, He fades into obscurity, a laughingstock of the board, His feeble attempts to disrupt, forever ignored.