Anonymous ID: cc934c July 11, 2023, 4:05 a.m. No.19160186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0194

What if we are all just different aspects / fractals of ourselves?

Jesus said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

What if we are all connected?

Anonymous ID: cc934c July 11, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.19160272   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are all connected.


As we affirm our Oneness our Unity, all the knowing that we share in the collective conscious is immediately available and so the life that you lead will bring to you exactly what you are asking for when it is needed.


These are the synchronicities which include the “miracles” of materialisation and timing that will become more and more frequent in your life as you become Lovingly Open to life and the expression of your Joyfulness.


So simple, so sweet and powerful is your Heartsong.


Some need a ‘handle’ to aid their journey.

Some walk on their own, creating and leaving their creations to inspire others as they go.

Some like to belong in close community and share in their dance.

And from time to time all like to stop and smell the flowers and revel in the sunshine on the way, the Awe in Creation.

All different, all unique, all Shining, all One.


And this chaos that we see in these beginning days is working itself through.

It does not have to stop us from choosing calm, stillness, and the unbounded expression of our Lovingness.

None of the “old” will last. There is no more energy to support it.


Our Shift is having chosen that which is within, which is who we are, and which is forever.

Someone Beautiful of GOD. As long as we do not resist or push away, benevolence will flow in.


And All Truly want to serve, not as “servants” but because it is the very Nature of HUmankind to Know that the Joy in Self is always for The Good of ALL. It is inseparable.