Anonymous ID: 4581fe July 11, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19161915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Make believe is such a wonderful past time, isn't it Shill?


Mr. Hutchinson has now retired from the $40-billion-dollar company he co-founded. He still holds his Series 65 license as a registered investment adviser. As a highly respected wealth manager, Paul has an elite clientele of investors he counsels [A1] on investment strategies.


Paul Hutchinson continues to build relationships with some of the greatest investors and influencers throughout the world. He is highly respected not only for his business successes but more importantly for how he has leveraged those successes to make a difference in the lives of others. Paul has dedicated a very large portion of his time and money to helping those in need. He has donated time and money to countless charity organizations with a particular focus on helping eradicate child trafficking. He counts men like Tony Robbins, Glenn Beck, the Trump Family, Coach Mike Tomlin, Sean Reyes, and Tim Ballard among his close network of friends. His passion for making a difference is an inspiration to all who know him.

Anonymous ID: 4581fe July 11, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19161964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1969 >>1978


In almost every interview that I have seen with Tim Ballard so far, he reiterates that SoF is only the tip of the iceberg that is human trafficking; Jim Caviezel also admits that SoF is only one tentacle of the monster octopus that is human trafficking. Which is why there will be a second SoF, which will show the operation that involved Haiti, possibly Ukraine. Although Ukraine might be covered by the four part series being produced by Mel Gibson.


So where exactly is your 'I got them now' point?!

Anonymous ID: 4581fe July 11, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19162023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2085


>the bottle opener


Honestly, this part of the story depicts Tim Ballards career ending choice to quit his secure job and rescue these children on his own, thus the beginning of a little known about, stealth organization O.U.R.. Over and above rescuing children, this organization has gone WW to create awareness, develop relationships with local law enforcement; partner them with the appropriate tools and other organizations that can assist them in rescuing these children. As well, O.U.R. helped develop and founded recovery hospital/centers where these children can heal from their experiences and eventually emerge back into communities where they can stay safe and be empowered.


There is so much more and I for one will stay on the light side and filter all you fucks on here who don't have a clue what is going on, or are trying desperately to shut it down!

Anonymous ID: 4581fe July 11, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19162080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2125



>Idk about the Gibson movie, saw some headlines saying there was no such thing


Partly correct, here is the direct quotes, which I myself misinterpretted when I first heard about it:


""I stand by every word I said in the video circulating around social media," read the quotes attributed to Ballard. "Mel is a personal hero of mine and called me back in 2022 with valuable intelligence regarding children who were rumored to be vulnerable to human traffickers in Ukraine.


"Using that intelligence, we went to Ukraine, where Operation Underground Railroad, Aerial Recovery Group, and The Nazarene Fund were successful in beginning the process of dismantling a dangerous international pedophile ring.


"Mel deserves all the credit for taking the initiative to further the critical work that we do," the statement continued. "I am personally grateful for his support as we worked on this documentary, however reports this four-part series is actually being produced by Mr. Gibson are not accurate. It's being produced by Nick Nanton of DNA Films and includes several executive producers such as Kyle Cease, Tony and Sage Robbins, and other wonderful and talented people."

Former CIA member Ballard spoke at a conference in Utah in January 2023 and detailed his relationship with Gibson, revealing the actor's passion for his charity.


Though he's not credited on IMDb, Ballard claims Gibson did the final edit for his movie Sound of Freedom. Through this relationship, Ballard claims Gibson rang him at the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022, and asked him to help rescue children from the country.


"I told Mel, 'You gotta help me. This is gonna be expensive. I won't ask you for direct donation but can you help me film this? Let's film what's happening so we can get people to understand and they can support us,'" Ballard said onstage in Utah, confirming that Gibson had agreed to help him.


"Four months later, what I thought was going to be maybe a documentary about Ukraine, ends up being a four-part docuseries, that's almost done," Ballard said."

Anonymous ID: 4581fe July 11, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19162374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2472

Brunson brothers are not finished yet.


"Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE


In this interview, Loy is intensively questioned on the next steps (Loy ;anticipates another chance for SCOTUS hearing coming up), what holding the SCOTUS hold outs would look like, including investigations into any dealings between the SCOTUS's and the 385 being sued; and how and what it would look like when and IF the original lawsuit against Alma et. al is successful.


Very interestingly, describes a military controlled operation…

