Anonymous ID: 63468a July 11, 2023, 8:03 p.m. No.19164516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4526 >>4558 >>4606



Not many noses like Nixon. Is he Jewish with a nose job?




>Fifty-nine years ago last week an event took place which contrasts strongly with the recent Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit. On 24 July 1959, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev met in a replica of an American Kitchen. The pseudo-kitchen was part of the American National Exhibition in Sokolniki Park in Moscow.


>This meeting was of monumental importance - for it was on Soviet Soil and took place at the height of the Cold War. It was only two years after the launch of Sputnik - and three years prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The following summer, while Nixon was running for President, an American Pilot, Francis Gary Powers was shot down flying a CIA U-2 spy-plane over the Soviet Union.


>Their photo-op morphed into an impromptu and fiery debate (via interpreters) between the merits of capitalism and communism. It has come to be known as "The Kitchen Debate."

Anonymous ID: 63468a July 11, 2023, 8:12 p.m. No.19164564   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Imagine the History books in a few years.


Presidents Biden, Bush, Bush2,Clinton, h Clinton, Obama, Michelle and all their staff, friends, supporters and the actors who hung around them all abused children, ate children, terrorized children and had sex parties with children.


>Biden Admin a ‘Middleman’ in Child Sex Trafficking


>A whistleblower has given an explosive statement accusing Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration of acting as a “middleman” in an international child sex trafficking operation.


>The allegations were revealed in a damning new report compiled by journalist and Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow Uzay Bulut.


>Bulut has outlined the allegations on the organization’s website, claiming that youngsters are being brought from Mexico through the porous Southern Border.


>“The criminal practice of trafficking and abusing hundreds of thousands of migrant children who cross the Southern Border is now, thanks to the open-border policy of the Biden administration, apparently ‘normal’ inside the U.S.,” Bulut writes.


>He cites federal statistics about the millions of illegals encountered at the border in recent years.


>However, he pointedly notes that “at least 85,000 children are believed to be missing.”


>“Many of those children are raped,” he explained.


>They are “used for forced labor, and forced to undertake brutal jobs ostensibly to ‘work off’ their debt by the criminal cartels who reportedly now control the Mexican side of the border and brought the children in.”


>And he cites the comments from whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas.


>Just a few weeks ago, Rodas gave a testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.


>“Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the U.S. government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children,” Rodas told lawmakers.


>Rodas previously served in the Health and Human Services bureaucracy under Biden.


>“Today, children will work overnight shifts at slaughterhouses, factories, and restaurants to pay their debts to smugglers and traffickers,” she testified.


>“Today, children will be sold for sex.


>“Today, children will call a hotline to report they are being abused, neglected, and trafficked…..”


>Rodas said she had volunteered to help with the crisis at the Southern Border.


>“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes.


>More at: