Anonymous ID: 9c23b7 July 12, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.19168545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8556


scrub typhus, also called bush typhus, jungle typhus, or mite typhus, acute infectious disease in humans that is caused by the parasite Orientia tsutsugamushi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of certain kinds of trombiculid mites, or chiggers. The causative agent of scrub typhus, the bacterium O. tsutsugamushi,is primarily a parasiteof certain mites, of which two closely related species, Leptotrombidium (Trombicula) akamushi and L. deliense, are the carriers of the disease. During their larval stage, these mites acquire the infection from wild rodents or other small animals. The infection is passed to humans when a mite larva bites a person.


Scrub typhus occurs in Southeast Asia and its associated archipelagoes, in northern Australia, and in Japan, where the disease was first described (1899) and systematically investigated (1906–32). During World War II scrub typhus killed or incapacitated thousands of troops who were stationed in rural or jungle areas in the Pacific theatre.

>>thanks for reminding anon to take muh ivermectin