Anonymous ID: d985a9 July 12, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.19168604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8611 >>8618 >>8636

Almost finished the Andrew Tate interview w/ Tucker.

some of what he is saying is creamy shit.


>bullied men

Hey Andrew, normally bullied males are children, you dumb fuck

>bullied men are weak when they shoot the bullies

None of that makes sense.

When I grab a dog and abuse it for months and then the dog either bites and kills me, or bites another human, whose fault is that?

The dogs fault?

No, it would be mine fault, Andrew, you moron.

And when children get physiologically tortured for years, Andrew, some will snap in some way or another. That's the fault of the bullies, which you are fine with, you fucking psychopath.


and then later

>nooo, the poor children

Hey Andrew, you moron.


you called boys that get bullied (often for years) and then either shoot up the bullies (but violence is fine with him, bullying often includes physical but also mental violence, and a punch can also kill someone) weak.

At the same time you cry like a bitch about le poor children, while wearing faggot sandals.


btw. bully victims are also girls, who sometimes kill themselves because of that.

Andrew, why don't you call these girls weak as well? you fucking hypocrite and liar.


Was to weak to withstand a bully, but noooo, you can't defend yourself either with a gun or with violence!!! That's also weak.


What a moron.


No, when someone attacks me physically, and I shoot the dumb bitch, then I defend myself successfully and that makes me a winner. Bullying especially long term breaks people. It's physical and physiological torture and should be handled like that, and you are fine with that - Andrew.


and stop wearing those faggot sandals.

Anonymous ID: d985a9 July 12, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19168652   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to see that faggot crying when some girl divorce rapes him.

>it's not the fault of my wife that I got divorce raped, or got thrown into jail

>the jail thing was unfair


>but it was all my own fault

>I need to improve myself by beating waman with a belt

>while pretending to be a strong man

>because strong man don't use violence against bullies, but use violence against their shitty wives or girlfriends

I think he's mentally retarded.


>muh competitive

>muh just work harder!!!

He's a bullshit artist.