Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 4:27 p.m. No.19169279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9598 >>9812

12 Jul, 2023 20:15

Wagner Group surrenders heavy weapons (VIDEO)

The private military company handed over 2,000 pieces of military hardware, with the transfer process nearly complete


The Wagner Group private military company has surrendered more than 2,000 pieces of military hardware to Russia’s military inventory, the country’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. The transfer process is going “according to plan” and is nearing completion.


The inventory includes hundreds of heavy weaponry pieces, including main battle tanks of various types, multiple rocket launcher systems, self-propelled and towed artillery, anti-aircraft systems, and other combat vehicles, the ministry said in a statement. The military also released a video, showing rows of tracked and wheeled combat vehicles, as well as other equipment kept at undisclosed locations.


Dozens of combat vehicles transferred by the PMC group “have never been used in a combat environment,” the military noted. The group also surrendered over 2,500 tons of assorted ammunition as well as around 20,000 firearms.


The equipment is currently being transferred to rear field sites for maintenance, the ministry stated. Afterwards, it will be transferred to Russian military units for its “intended use,”the ministry concluded.


The Wagner Group, a private military company, has seen extensive action amid the ongoing hostilities with Ukraine. Its leader, Evgeny Prigozhin, ended up becoming entangled in a public conflict with the Defense Ministry, repeatedly accusing it of withholding supplies from the group. The conflict was apparently aggravated by an ongoing effort to incorporate loose volunteer groups, active in the formerly Ukrainian Donbass for years already, into Russia’s military structure.


It culminated in a short-lived mutiny staged by the group in late June. Prigozhin accused the Defense Ministry of launching deadly strikes on a Wagner camp, vowing retaliation, and capturing within hours several military installations in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, while some forces marched on Moscow.


The group’s leader ultimately backed down the next day, with the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Under the deal, Moscow agreed to drop the criminal case against the Wagner chief, with Prigozhin himself consenting to move to Belarus.

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19169314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339 >>9398 >>9598 >>9669 >>9706 >>9812

Moscow is going to troll the West. Kek

12 Jul, 2023 17:26

Moscow mulls plan to display destroyed NATO hardware outside embassies

The idea is being considered by parliament and the Defense Ministry


Moscow could place destroyed military hardware on display outside the embassies of Western nations that supplied it to Ukraine. The idea was floated in Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, on Wednesday.


Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has tasked the parliament’s Defense Committee with discussing the idea with the Defense Ministry to iron out the details of potential ‘exhibitions’.


“The proposal to place burned [military] hardware near the embassies of those countries that send it to Ukraine is particularly interesting,” Volodin stated.


The idea is reminiscent of actions by Ukraine, which has set up a permanent exhibition in Kiev of destroyed military hardware, which it claims to be Russian. Ukraine also sent burnt-out tanks on tour across multiple European cities, including the German capital Berlin.


The latterefforts appeared to backfire spectacularly, with the displays wrapping up ahead of schedule after locals repeatedly brought flowers to the tanks.


Ukraine has reportedly sustained heavy losses in Western-supplied equipment in the past month. Multiple US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and M113 armored personnel carriers have been destroyed, as well as their Dutch-produced modification, the YPR-765, and German-made Leopard 2 tanks. The losses came as Kiev launched its long-heralded counteroffensive in early June. According to Moscow, the operation has failed to achieve any major gains.


Russia has repeatedly called on the West to stop “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, warning it would only prolong the hostilities rather than change their ultimate outcome. Senior officials in Moscow have also insisted that supplying Kiev with increasingly sophisticated weaponry heightens the risk of a direct conflict between Russia and NATO.

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 4:41 p.m. No.19169348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9358 >>9398 >>9598 >>9812

11 Jul, 2023 18:03

Russia warns US about cluster bombs

Moscow will respond with “equivalent weapons,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said


If Washington makes good on its promise to send cluster munitions to Kiev, the Russian military will use its own diverse arsenal on the battlefield, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Tuesday.


“If the US supplies cluster munitions to Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces will be compelled to use equivalent weapons against the Ukrainian forces, by way of response,”Shoigu told reporters while visiting military factories in Tatarstan.


“It should be noted that Russia has cluster munitions, as they say, for all occasions,” Shoigu added. “They are much more effective than American ones, their range is broader and more diverse.”


Just like the US and Ukraine, Russia is not a party to the Convention of Cluster Munitions, Shoigu noted. However, Moscow has refrained from using its arsenal during the current conflict, “cognizant of the threat that such ammunition poses to the civilian population.”


The US announced last week it would send dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) artillery shells to Ukraine, claiming the danger to civilians was not great because Russia has allegedly used such ammunition before. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl told reporters that the US was aware of the danger such weapons pose to civilians, but that a Russian victory would be worse.


Shoigu pointed out that the US has given “various excuses” for the cluster bomb decision, including that they have run out of conventional 155mm artillery ammunition. This was a reference to what US President Joe Biden said in an interview with CNN, aired over the weekend.


Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, has described the delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine as “a gesture of desperation” and an“act of madness”showcasing the impotence of Americans and their satellites.


According to Shoigu, Russian forces are already taking “organizational and technical”measures to protect both men and vehicles from the effects of US cluster munitions. The defense minister was in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan on Tuesday to visit the Central Military District. As part of his visit, he toured the Kamaz military vehicle factory and several other defense enterprises.

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 4:51 p.m. No.19169415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ohio Launches Election Integrity Office To Ensure Transparency In Future Elections

Shawn Fleetwood July 12, 2023

Ohio is launching a new office dedicated to ensuring transparency in its elections, Secretary of State Frank LaRose announcedlast week.


According to a LaRose press release, the Office of Data Analytics and Archives, which will be housed within the secretary of state’s office, signifies “the first-ever substantive effort by any state to adopt a clear and consistent method for retaining election data.” The office received funding via the DATA Act, which was included in the biennial operating budget recently passed by Ohio legislators.


“Election officials haven’t been required to keep electronic records after an election, so they’re often just erasing and discarding the data instead of archiving it for transparency,” LaRose said in a statement. “There’s also no standard definition for these records, which leads to confusing outcomes for anyone trying to analyze election results. We’re about to change all of that. This legislation is really a game-changer for election integrity, and I’m proud that Ohio is once again leading the way.”


Introduced by LaRose and GOP state Sen. Theresa Gavarone, the DATA Act contains four key provisions aimed at bringing transparency to Ohio’s voter data and elections. While the first provision “codifies standard definitions of key election data points” that will permit post-election results to “be analyzed more accurately,” the second designates the Office of Data Analytics and Archives to “serve as a clearinghouse for the retention and review of electronic election records.”


The law will furthermore increase public access to election data by permitting the Office of Data Analytics and Archives to publish such information online “both following an election for auditing purposes and over time for comparative analysis year-over-year.” Any and all election data will additionally be transmitted to the office following any election, according to the measure.


Election integrity groups such as the Voter Reference Foundation (VRF) have since celebrated the law’s passage. In a Monday press release, VRF — which ranks states based on how transparent they’re being with their data and overall election operations — noted how Ohio’s passage of the DATA Act increased its score by 8 points, making it the second “most transparent” state in the nation.


“Ohio’s persistent commitment to election integrity has increased their data transparency score,” VRF President Gina Swoboda said in a statement. “Ohio is a model for other states to increase their transparency.”


Additional information on VRF’s grading methodology can be found here.

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 4:57 p.m. No.19169448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tim Burchett - Get The Woke Military Funding Out; 'Woke Stuff Is Going To Get Our Kids Killed'

10:53 minutes


Very concerned about getting the woke shit out and McCarthy letting this stuff in, he’s the problem.

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 5:09 p.m. No.19169499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9598 >>9812

Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members.

America’s allies are too wedded to their expensive social welfare programs to pay the required 2% of GDP on defence that all NATO members are committed to paying.

These freeloaders then vote to admit new NATO members — who presumably won’t be paying the 2% either because everyone knows US taxpayers will pick up the tab.Have they no shame?!


Why didn’t Resident Biden insist only paid-up NATO members can vote to admit new members at NATO’s annual meeting this week?! Because he literally could not care less about Americans.

13:21 minutes

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19169569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9598 >>9812

Very Interesting!


Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over Chinese Communist Party Ties.

9:41 minutes

Anonymous ID: 792202 July 12, 2023, 5:37 p.m. No.19169625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9812

Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" China vs US over Taiwan

13:30 minutes