Anonymous ID: 8f9a07 July 12, 2023, 7:15 p.m. No.19170054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lara Logan:


Yes there were - and yet there was almost no effort to secure the Capitol.


So which is it?


Are Trump supporters such a danger to the nation that you need all these agents but you don’t need to secure one of the most protected buildings in the nation?


Are you so worried about an insurrection you have to have all these agents assigned to the threat but you don’t need to protect the Capitol against the threat?


The lie is so obvious.


Wake up.


Trained agitators & operatives were at work on Jan 6. They have names & addresses and so do the people who hired them. They bleed and breathe just like us. They are no different. Hold them to the same standard as everyone else.


Use the power you have.


If they did not fear the people they would not have set them up on Jan 6


Lara Logan then Tweets this TY:

Thank you Staci Bryant. I don’t know you but this video is the best depiction of the crowd that day that I have seen.


For this Amazing Crowd Video posted to Lara by Staci Bryant.


They are terrified of the people & they should be. No one but federal assets & Antifa tried to start an insurrection that day. If the people have been in the mood for violence, given the crowd size there would’ve been terrible violence. Instead, the only people murdered were MAGA


If they were Scared of MAGA 3 Years ago, imagine MAGA Today and Now We arePISSED