What was the Zelenski step into Biden grille where he backed of and bowed to the Persian next to Biden and the photo op attendees scrambled to make it look like they were gathering peeps for a shot not control the room?
Will the globalist be targeting America power grid and infrastructure this fall/winter or better timed for next fall/winter? Not the good guys preached 10 days but a societies attack with intent of mass casualty and chaos.
Enoch has fire in the West, this summer, like soon?
Q stopped war, were soldiers die, and brought the war to your living room, were you and your family are the soldiers. Military only serves the master.
Military serves the Chair
Military before [C] or [D]?
Maybe a 3 prong attack
we hear about a nuclear bomb in Russia / Ukraine then our grid down and you hear nothing but see martial law and military and horde's of the unprepared zombies and of course no elections, and other countries will be attacked as well. Hello all the browns of fighting age our fighting men allow in the country. American Idiots
When we go dark, what is your estimate of number of deaths from the manufactured crisis. Biblically a 1/3 so 111,666,111 dead Americans because American Idiots believed their own bullshit?
I thought I was alone here, glad to see a regular guy who see's the whole picture not just what is provided narrative.
Americans with Stockholm Syndrome, allowed themselves to be led by wolves and called them sheep. American Idiots
thank you for acknowledging you are a fed, or just another American idiot, both most likely.
Good men let Evil men in the front door, now we all have to fight evil in our own homes because our military is full of weak men who follow orders. American Idiots
Globalists still want us dead and you military guys are asleep at the job or have already decided to betray the citizens for the government power. American Idiot
hey dumb ass, not dark because you get justice, it's dark because the shut the grid down for 400 million guns to come out. The military will be protecting state assets and you will be killing or being killed, by your fellow man you stepped over the week before.
American Idiot
If you are in the military and your family is raped and murdered by an illegal alien, you raped your family with your uniform and flag.
Family killers
American Idiots
vote for Wray, pure as snow with that big dick on his face.
If you mean at war with the American people I will agree, but you mean you are at war with the truth. You wear a uniform and believe you are safe in the new system, but history says you are eliminated right after you eliminate us.
How many times has the FBI broke the law on your watch Mr. Wray?
Fucking American Idiot's in uniform