Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.19174064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Report: Top Donors Considering Moving from Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott


Top donors are reportedly considering moving from supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott in the Republican primary race, citing worries over the start and direction of the governor’s presidential campaign these past few months.


DeSantis formally launched his bid in the final week of May, which was met with scrutiny given the technical difficulties that plagued the highly anticipated Twitter Spaces launch.


But since entering the race, DeSantis has failed to emerge as the frontrunner, and polls have neither drastically shifted nor are they swinging in his direction, despite his blitz of early primary states such as Iowa, South Carolina, and New Hampshire.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 1:54 p.m. No.19174074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4492

REP. ROSENDALE: "We have drag shows at Malmstrom Air Force Base. There are 150 ICBM missiles that are being controlled by that Air Force Base and by these individuals. I don't want someone who doesn't know if they are a man or a women with their hand on a missile button."

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 1:56 p.m. No.19174081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler alleges Labor's 'Orwellian' misinformation bill will exempt government's own posts


Labor's "Orwellian" misinformation bill could lead to bureaucrats censoring any social media posts critical of the government, while the government's own posts are exempt.


Labor’s proposed misinformation bill will capture social media posts by Opposition and crossbench MPs, as well as members of the public, but not posts by members of the government.


The Albanese government has released draft legislation that would grant the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the power to impose massive fines on social media companies that fail to remove misinformation and disinformation on their platforms.


Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler, a member of the Senate Committee which has been examining the bill, warned that the bill could lead to ACMA bureaucrats acting as a government censor.


“What I think the bureaucrats are going to be doing is looking very carefully at debates that are occurring in social media spaces that might be in any way critical of the government and removing those points of view,” the Liberal Senator told Sky News Australia’s Sharri Markson.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.19174085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Kosovo parliament erupts into brawl after water thrown at Prime Minister


A brawl has erupted in the Kosovo parliament after an opposition politician threw water on Prime Minister Albin Kurti while he was speaking about government measures to defuse tensions with ethnic Serbs in the country's north.

Key points:


Over a dozen politicians were involved in the brawl in parliament

It broke out after water was thrown on the Prime Minister

He was escorted from the building


Video footage from parliament shows Mr Kurti speaking when Mergim Lushtaku from the Democratic Party of Kosovo approached and threw water at him, triggering the brawl.


Over a dozen politicians are seen pushing and shoving at each other.


Local media said Mr Kurti was escorted out of the assembly hall during the chaos.


Earlier, Mr Kurti's deputy Besnik Beslimi had torn up a drawing mocking Mr Kurti that the opposition had placed on the front of the podium the prime minister was speaking at.


The picture portrayed the leader with a long nose.


The US and European Union have pressured Mr Kurti to help calm the situation after violence broke out in May after police-backed ethnic Albanian mayors took office following an election that the ethnic Serb majority in the area had widely boycotted.


Dozens of people were injured in clashes between local Serbs and Kosovo police and NATO-led peacekeepers, fuelling fears of a conflict similar to the one in 1998-99 that killed more than 10,000 people.


On Wednesday Mr Kurti announced he would reduce the number of special police officers stationed outside four municipal buildings in ethnic Serb-majority areas in northern Kosovo, and hold new mayoral elections in each of the towns.


The move has angered the opposition, who argued that Mr Kurti "experimented" for months and jeopardised Kosovo's international position only to back down later.


Kosovo opposition parties have criticised Mr Kurti's policies in the north that have strained relations with key Western allies.


Mr Kurti has said he was applying law and order in northern Kosovo with the deployment of police and new ethnic Albanian mayors.


The US and the EU had urged him to keep the mayors in different locations away from the north until the situation is resolved.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.19174090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke — host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems


A "partnership" formed by several technology giants aims to make artificial intelligence systems woke, prioritizing "equity and inclusion" by "bringing diverse voices together," according to videos recently obtained by the American Accountability Foundation.


Partnership on AI is a nonprofit organization formed in 2016 by Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. Since its launch, many companies and organizations have joined the group, including the ACLU, Apple, the Ford Foundation, Adobe, OpenAI, and others.


According to its website, PAI's goal is to create "a future where Artificial Intelligence empowers humanity by contributing to a more just, equitable, and prosperous world."


Videos obtained by the American Accountability Foundation revealed that PAI hosted several workshops promoting the integration of far-left ideology into AI systems.


"Our investigation has revealed a 'partnership' between the world's biggest tech companies to together rig AI to be woke. The partnership explicitly cites Karl Marx and Critical Race Theory in their plans," AAF posted on Twitter this week.


AAF shared a video from a "data colonialism" workshop hosted by PAI that discussed how AI developers could implement Karl Marx's teachings. The workshop's presenter, London School of Economics' Nick Couldry, suggested interpreting Marx's "labor relations" as "data relations."


Couldry told the Daily Caller News Foundation, "The usefulness of Karl Marx's work for understanding the dynamics of capitalism is recognised by economists from all points on the political spectrum."


"Since AI is undeniably part of capitalism, I simply pointed out that Marx's thought is relevant to AI too," he added.


Another PAI workshop, "Towards a Critical Race Methodology for Algorithmic Fairness," stated that the evolving technology must "focus on the processes of racism," AAF reported.


Based on a research article, the workshop aimed to "focus on the history of racial categories and turn to critical race theory and sociological work on race and ethnicity to ground conceptualizations of race for fairness research."


An AAF spokesperson told the DCNF that PAI's agenda to incorporate left-leaning ideology into AI systems is "truly terrifying."


"The danger of an ESG-like alliance of the world's biggest corporations working to use their monopoly over AI development to inject it with wokeness cannot be overstated," the spokesperson stated. "As we slip into a world dominated by AI, we may wake up one day soon to a universe where Critical Race Theory and Marxism are embedded into the very algorithms our society runs on."


PAI did not respond to a request for comment, the DCNF reported.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:01 p.m. No.19174098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4105 >>4202 >>4682 >>4776

Actor Kevin Spacey testifies in his own defence in sexual assault trial at London court


Actor Kevin Spacey has told a London court he was "crushed" when accused of sexual assault by several men.

Key points:


The Oscar-winner has denied all the charges of sexual assault

Mr Spacey said he couldn't believe accuser would "stab me in the back"

His lawyers said accusers reimagined consentual encounters


The Oscar-winner has begun giving evidence in his trial on a dozen charges of sex offences against four men between 2001 and 2013.


The men were in their 20s and 30s at the time.


He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.


Mr Spacey told jurors at Southwark Crown Court he could not believe that one of the complainants, who alleges Spacey assaulted him on up to 12 occasions, would "stab me in the back".


The four accusers said Mr Spacey aggressively groped them and in one case performed oral sex while they were passed out, with the prosecution calling him a "sexual bully".

'Sinister Spin'


His lawyer Patrick Gibbs told the jury on Thursday that the complainants had reimagined consensual encounters "with a sinister spin" or, in some cases, simply "made up" their accounts.


Mr Spacey, 63, entered the witness box on Thursday and was asked about one of the complainants, who alleges the actor repeatedly grabbed his "private areas" when they were alone.


His lawyer, Mr Gibbs, asked about his relationship with the man, to which Mr Spacey said: "I liked him greatly. We had a good time together. We laughed a lot."


The actor described the complainant as "funny and charming and flirtatious".


Asked if he himself was flirtatious, Mr Spacey replied: "Yeah. I'm a flirt, I'm a big flirt."


He said that as his relationship with the complainant developed over time "it became somewhat sexual".


Mr Spacey denied that it was non-consensual or aggressive.


"It didn't happen in a violent, aggressive, painful way," he said.


"It was gentle and it was touching and it was, in my mind, romantic."


"We never had sex together because he made it clear that he didn't want to go any further and that happens at times and you just respect how far someone wants to go."


The 63-year-old American actor was one of the biggest stars of the stage, and silver and small screens, when sexual misconduct accusations brought his career to a halt.


If convicted, he could face a prison term.


Mr Spacey is currently free on unconditional bail.


The trial continues.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:10 p.m. No.19174133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat


Former Ukrainian diplomat and political insider Andrii Telizhenko — now under US sanctions on what he says are false grounds — speaks out.


Former Ukrainian government official and diplomat Andrii Telizhenko joins Aaron Maté to discuss how, in his view, powerful US figures including Joe Biden have used Ukraine for personal corruption and the geopolitical aim of bleeding Russia — all to the detriment of Ukrainians.


Telizhenko worked for the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office in Kyiv before moving to Ukraine’s US Embassy in 2015. He went on to work for Blue Star Strategies, a Democrat-run lobbying firm that represented Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that appointed Biden’s son Hunter to a lucrative board seat.


Telizhenko, who cooperated with Rudy Giuliani’s effort to dig up information about the Bidens’ alleged corruption in Ukraine, has been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for “having directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign influence in a United States election.”


Guest: Andrii Telizhenko. Political consultant who was previously a Ukrainian government official and diplomat.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19174143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges


According to an abundance of evidence already put forth; including video/audio of Ray Epps functioning in his role to coordinate and lead-out on the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation, it’s clear that Epps was acting as a federal asset/operative. Epps has now filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News for Tucker Carlson’s reporting on him and his involvement on 06 Jan 21. A filing from that litigation now reveals that Epps faces charges from the DOJ some 2.5 years after the fact and despite not ever being arrested by the FBI.


Zero Hedge has the story and Occam’s provides the answer relative to unavoidable circumstances,


The impending charges were revealed in a Wednesday lawsuit filed by Epps against Fox News, which accuses former host Tucker Carlson of defaming him.


“…in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later,” reads the filing. “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”

Zero Hedge


The analysis here is elementary and as always, Occam’s is our lens.


We live in an era when the capacity is prevalent for the instantaneous video publication of live events and the rampant capturing of those events on video for later posting on social media platforms and other media.


Those dynamics cause unavoidable circumstances to also become more prevalent; especially for people deceiving Americans from the dark shadows of corruption, criminality and treason.


In the case of an entrapment operation leveraging federal assets as dog whistles to lead innocent Americans exercising their First Amendment right into the trap, the likelihood of someone catching those assets’ image, voice and actions on film is considerably high.


That’s what happened to Epps; his cover literally blown and thanks to sleuthing by the common man in lieu of the Department of Justice, which rather than actually doing its job is instead facilitating entrapment operations to imprison Americans in an Amerikan gulag.


The capturing of Epps’ image, voice and actions on film was a problematic set of unavoidable circumstances for the DOJ for 2.5 years.


Occam’s tells us that the DOJ’s grease for Epps’ squeaky wheel of unavoidable circumstances is to also charge Epps, but only after enough people became outraged to force the issue.


Evidence for this can be seen in ZH’s reporting: “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”


The DOJ therefore decided to charge Epps in May of 2023 knowing that the information would make its way into the public and give them a platform from which to rebut its critics while citing how “no one is above the law.”


No one except Joe Biden.


Just ask President Trump.


The projected outcome for Epps’ charges is right in line with the DOJ mode of operations that delivered Dead End Durham, Clinesmith, Sussmann, etc.; in the sense that any conviction of Epps will be for process crimes like lying to the FBI or some other lower crime or misdemeanor.


The establishment will reward Epps by influencing [rigging] his lawsuit against Fox News and whereby Fox will be ordered to pay Epps via the court’s ruling or Fox decides to settle.


Think of it like a “book deal.”


Either way, Epps gets paid for his service to the establishment and he certainly isn’t doing any hard time for it.


AG Merrick Garland and his goon squad with Chief Goon Jack Smith will see to that.


Ray Epps was a squeaky wheel of problematic and unavoidable circumstances for the architects of the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation and the DOJ is greasing it with sham charges and a handsome pay-out courtesy of Fox News.


Occam’s wins again.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.19174175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness


In a passionate and fiery speech in Steve Bannon’s War Room, renowned actor Jim Caviezel railed against the media, federal agencies, and what he believes to be a corrupt global elite.


Best known for his role as Jesus Christ in ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ Caviezel did not mince his words and accused the fake news media of being a tool of Satan.


“You are going to have something hell to pay for, for what you’ve done. Media, I’m not afraid of you at all. You Satan. That’s right,” said Caviezel.


He then proceeded to call out corrupt intelligence agencies for being complicit in societal wickedness. His words expressed his frustration with those he sees as sitting idly by in the face of wrongdoing.


“You three letter agencies that have gone along with this wickedness, that have torn these children from our mother’s wombs… These are the wicked here.”


“But there’s another group of wicked, those that stand in the middle, that do nothing that allow this to occur. A beautiful woman told me that you have the good and you have the evil, but in the middle, you have the fence, and the devil owns that fence, and you are on top of it… It seems that you don’t want a republic anymore, that you don’t want life, and liberty in the pursuit of happiness,” Caviezel added.


Caviezel made a fervent warning of divine retribution, evoking biblical imagery of “fire and brimstone.” He suggested that if the current state of affairs is not rectified, the wrath of God will befall the nation.


“It’s all going to be gone because God is going to put a wrath on this nation like you’ve never understood,” he said.


“There’s going to be fire and brimstone on this earth like you’ve never seen. He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he doesn’t take care of what is happening here now. And you can kill the most innocent when he was in conception using first trimester, 2nd, 3rd trimester, partial-birth abortion, now killing a baby 28 days after it’s born. My God, what is that for? How does that save the mother’s life? Or do you need the organs from that baby?” he added.


The actor then launched into a discussion about organ harvesting and the use of adrenochrome by elites.


“Is that why you need it? Or the organ harvesting you don’t want me to talk about? Or the adrenochrome? You elites. You elite leaders in this world and understand America,” he said.


“There are leaders that you don’t even know about that are controlling this whole world system. Those guys that I’m talking to right now, my Lord and Saviour is coming after you. And I’m not afraid of you. Remember this to the people out there, don’t be afraid…

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.19174182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225 >>4682 >>4776

Biden's HHS Secretary Dismisses Claims The Agency Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Migrant Children


Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra dismissed a previous report by The New York Times that asserted that his agency lost track of thousands of migrant children as a “misrepresentation” during a NALEO Educational Fund conference Thursday.


The NYT reported in February that HHS “could not reach more than 85,000 migrant children” a month after releasing them to sponsors in the U.S. interior over the course of the last two years. Becerra refuted the premise of the report, saying that it wrongly blamed HHS for the issue.


“They reported that they’re lost. Have they done a follow up article to say that they’ve figured out where all these 85,000 kids are that they lost? They’re not lost, and we never lost anyone,” Becerra said.

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 2:52 p.m. No.19174356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4677 >>4682 >>4776

Stoltenberg admits NATO began preparing Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that the alliance had prepared Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014. At the same time, French Defence Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced on July 12 that the French military has already trained 5,200 Ukrainian troops and plans to train a total of 7,000 troops by year’s end.


“France’s support for Ukraine is not weakening. […] Almost 5,200 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained by France, including 1,600 in Poland. There will be almost 7,000 by the end of the year,” Lecornu tweeted.


According to Lecornu, Ukrainian troops are learning how to operate French military equipment transferred to them and practice modern combat tactics, such as forming battalions that can manoeuvre as a coherent tactical unit.


Meanwhile, the British government announced that more than 19,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been trained in the country over the past six months and that Ukraine can expect more material support.


“In the past six months, the UK has also expanded its military training programme for Ukrainian recruits. This programme has trained more than 19,000 soldiers to date and training for Ukrainian pilots in the UK will begin this summer,” the British government said in a statement.


The UK, through NATO, also plans to establish a medical rehabilitation centre “to support the recovery and return of soldiers to Ukraine’s lines of defence after being injured in combat.”


“[The British PM announced a] major new tranche of support for Ukraine, including thousands of additional rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition, more than 70 combat and logistics vehicles and a £50m support package for equipment repair,” the statement added.


Although these announcements are recent revelations, NATO training of the Ukrainian military is not new. Stoltenberg said that the Alliance began supporting the Ukrainian military long before the start of the war.


“I welcome the military support that Allies have provided now for months, actually starting back in 2014,” Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference after the first day of the Alliance summit.


The NATO chief had previously confessed that Western military preparations began nine years ago.


“Since 2014 […] NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation. With, for the first time in our history, combat ready troops in the eastern part of the Alliance, with higher readiness, with more exercises, and also with more defence spending,” he said on May 24. “So when President Putin launched his full-fledged invasion last year, we were prepared.”

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.19174457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Celsius Founder And Former Chief Revenue Officer Charged In Connection With Multibillion-Dollar Fraud And Market Manipulation Schemes

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 3:13 p.m. No.19174494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

Lieutenant for the Arellano-Felix Mexican Drug Cartel pleads Guilty in North Dakota to Leading a Major Drug Trafficking Enterprise and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Enterprise

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.19174545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4682 >>4776

Kayleigh McEnany Lays Out Exactly Who She Thinks Cocaine Belongs To … And It's Not Hunter


Former White House press secretary and Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany laid out Thursday who she thinks the cocaine found at the White House belongs to, seemingly ruling out Hunter Biden.


The Secret Service concluded its investigation into the cocaine found at the White House, unable to find a suspect. The bag of cocaine was reportedly discovered on July 2 in the West Wing cubby near the Situation Room.


Speculation has swirled as to who the bag could belong to, with some pointing fingers at Hunter, who has had a long, public battle with addiction.


McEnany, who served in the Trump administration, said Secret Service likely would have had a hard time narrowing down the culprit due to lack of cameras in the West Wing and the “hundreds of people” who likely filtered in and out of the area over several days. She then noted the ever-changing story provided by officials as to the exact location where the substance was found.


“First, it’s the library of the residence. Then there were some reporting it’s the formal West Wing lobby. Nope, that was dismissed quickly. Then it’s in the cubbies as you walk in the West executive entrance. And then all of a sudden there was this NBC report, oh it’s closer to the Situation Room. That was highly alarming because that would suggest a staff member,” McEnany said.


“Now, as it turns out, I think that came about because reporters were looking at the map and the Situation Room looks close to the entrance. But it’s not, the entrance is not. However, on a map it does look that way.”


“But if I’m Karine Jean-Pierre and there’s all this wild reporting, I would have gone to Secret Service because as Marie knows, half of your job as a spokesperson is to be an investigator, to go get the facts. I would have gone to Secret Service saying, ‘There’s wild speculation in the press. Tell me where you found this so I can take this to the White House podium.'”


“The cubbyholes, I would say two groups of people use those cubbyholes: NSC staff (National Security Council) or staffers walking from EOB (Eisenhower Office Building), younger folks coming in. They don’t have offices in the West Wing. They use the cubbyholes because they’re about to walk into a SCIF or a guest of a staff member. You could call it a tourist, but it would be a close relative or a friend,” she speculated. “Those are the two groups I would suggest it is.”


McEnany said as for the Hunter speculation, she found it odd Jean-Pierre and Biden did not forcefully come out and deny any accusation the substance belonged to the president’s son.


“I would have gone to Trump and said, ‘They’re saying this is your family member.’ He would have said, ‘Absolutely not.’ I would have gone to the podium and said, ‘I have zero reason to believe this is anyone in the president’s family.’ Why she didn’t do that? I do not know.”


She's not looking as hot now she sold her soul

Anonymous ID: 19ef27 July 13, 2023, 3:36 p.m. No.19174644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4682 >>4776

WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires


The World Health Organisation (WHO) was established in 1948 to improve health outcomes in developing nations. Since the appointment of Tedros Ghebreyesus as Director-General in 2017, WHO has undergone a complete change of direction.


The WHO is now a means to advance the wealth and power of predatory billionaires like Bill Gates, and pharmaceutical companies who make huge sums out of the health responses WHO promotes.


At the same time, its staff are unsupervised, with some engaging in child sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation. I have spoken about this in Parliament (links to those speeches are below).


Now the WHO and its billionaire backers are ramping up their profiteering by promoting new powers that will allow the WHO to increase the use of products these billionaires make.

The proposed treaty


In September 2022 the United States, supported by Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, proposed a Treaty enabling the WHO to have the power to take over member states’ health measures, allowing the WHO to mandate health measures directly on everyday Australians.


Proposed measures include compulsory vaccination through mandatory detention and forced medical procedures. Other measures include the power to order border closures (including internal borders such as between Australian states), shutdowns for businesses & schools, international vaccine passports, restrictions on product sales (such as those which may compete with approved pharmaceuticals) and much more.


The Treaty would also elevate the billionaire owners of the WHO to full member status as “stakeholders”, meaning Pfizer for instance could vote on declaring a health emergency and mandating Pfizer vaccines.


Fortunately, the constitution of the World health Organisation prevented their executive simply signing off on these new powers. The only body that can change the rulebook at the WHO is an assembly of all 194 members states, called a World Health Assembly (WHA).

International Health Regulations (IHR)


Tedros Ghebreyesus responded to the proposal by appointing the IHR Working Group to oversee the changes from a procedural perspective, and an IHR Review Committee with leading WHO health experts from around the world to flesh out the actual detail.


In December of 2022, Ghebreyesus called a special meeting of the World Health Assembly to adopt these measures. However, resistance from the African bloc prevented the changes from passing.


It is important to understand the WHA does not vote, they work off consensus. While the 42-strong African bloc are only 24% of the membership, a measure which only has the support of 76% of the Assembly does not have “consensus”, so the proposal was not voted in – instead it was deferred.


The IHR Review Committee was then tasked with refining the proposal for discussion at the May 2023 WHA before a final vote in the WHA set for May, 2024.


The Committee initially reported in January 2023 that the amendments to elevate the WHO as ‘world health police’ should proceed. However, their report was greeted with such strong opposition they immediately backtracked.


In February 2023 the Committee issued a final report which withdrew the onerous parts of the regulation changes that impacted human rights and dignity and left behind just the commonsense recommendations based on lessons learned during COVID.