Anonymous ID: c16046 July 13, 2023, 7:43 p.m. No.19175843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851


Ukraine received US cluster munitions — Pentagon

The general did not specify whether they have already been used


WASHINGTON, July 13. /TASS/. The armed forces of Ukraine have received cluster munitions from the United States, a high-ranking Pentagon official was quoted as saying on Thursday by the Associated Press news agency.


Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, the director of operations for the Joint staff, told reporters that "cluster munitions have indeed been delivered to Ukraine at this point," the agency said.


The general did not specify whether they have already been used.


Ukrainian Brig. Gen. Alexander Tarnavsky, commander of the Tavria Joint Forces Operation, also confirmed this information to CNN earlier in the day.


On July 7, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that the United States had decided to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite the fact that the United Nations opposes the use of such weapons. He also stated that Kiev had provided Washington with written assurances that the controversial weapons would be used in such a way as to minimize risks to civilians.


Russia to give due response to Ukraine’s use of cluster munitions — diplomat

Maria Zakharova recalled that the US decision to supply cluster munitions to the Kiev government shocked the entire international community late last week


MOSCOW, July 14. /TASS/. Russia will give a proportionate response to the potential use of cluster munitions by the armed forces of Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, has said.


"Russia is aware of dangers that cluster munitions pose to the civilian population. That is why it has never used them during the special military operation. However, if the armed forces of Ukraine decide to use munitions of this kind, [Russia] will be forced to give a proportionate response," Zakharova said in her response to questions of the International Life journal, published by the ministry’s official website on Thursday.


Zakharova recalled that the US decision to supply cluster munitions to the Kiev government shocked the entire international community late last week. She added that many countries, including Western ones, openly declared that their use in Ukraine was unacceptable.


"In particular, Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles addressed the issue of cluster munitions for Kiev on July 8, saying that ‘under no circumstances must certain armaments be delivered.’ On the same day, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said the republic hopes for universal application of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. During talks with the US president in London on July 10, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reaffirmed that the Great Britain adhered to its commitments under the convention, which include discouragement of their use," the diplomat said.


Zakharova said the US administration’s decision was condemned by domestic US political forces as well.


"On July 8, 19 US congressmen published a statement, saying that the White House’s leading position in the human rights domain implies the decision not to hand over cluster munitions that create serious risks for the civilian population," she added.


She reiterated that 123 countries have signed the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits this type of armament. Besides, Zakharova added that even now, 50 years after the US war in Vietnam, tragic incidents in which civilians are maimed or killed by unexploded cluster bomb submunitions still occur in that country.


"Washington’s decision to supply cluster bombs to Ukrainian neo-Nazis stems from its desire to inflict maximum strategic damage to Russia. The US admitted that its stockpiles of ordinary munitions were running out, so inhumane types of weaponry are now in use. At the same time, the Americans have no concern about civilians killed as a result of their criminal actions. They are ready to literally ‘fight Russia to the last Ukrainian,’" the diplomat said.

Anonymous ID: c16046 July 13, 2023, 7:49 p.m. No.19175874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5882 >>5901


>Then Russia Will use them

she said Russia will give a "proportionate" response

(You) ASSume that means Russia will use cluster munitions

why would the Russians do anything that stupid, after managing to avoid every trap so far?

Anonymous ID: c16046 July 13, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.19176021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107


>females actually hit high notes in their "head voice" range.

idiotic generalization. that is a matter of VOICE TRAINING and practice singing from the chest

>Most of the "divas" with the big, powerhouse voices with huge lung capacity and can "belt" in an extremely high range are probably Castrati,

absolutely pure baseless SPECULATION


>So the best women singers are really men pretending to be women.


>our controllers hate and despise real women


wow. one fuckwit and/or slideshill states an retarded opinion without sauce, and "anons" pick it up and run with it to create an entire narrative from it.

the absolute fucking state of this place

Anonymous ID: c16046 July 13, 2023, 8:17 p.m. No.19176048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That looks like an ampoule commonly used in skin and hair care products.

ffs, ampoules all look the same, cuz no one makes their own ampoules.

the glass itself probly comes from one or two companies that sell specialty glass products.