>>19178596, >>19178604 (LB)
Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling – Will Now Compete in New Category
It would be great if the 3 cyclists competing in the “New Category” could wield a Bat. I would watch that…
>>19178888 (LB) 2012 Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America
This is just the Tip of the Story… Imagine Today, with Killary in the position and Anons Everywhere. Continued…
One Year Later -Names Come Out
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal: One Year Later - Washingtonian
That wild night in Cartagena rocked the elite secret service and embarrassed the White House. Was it a one-time incident or part of a pattern of agents behaving badly?
The Players:
Mark Sullivan retired in February as the 22nd director of the Secret Service
Arthur Huntington, …and began the end of his career as a Secret Service agent
Dania Suarez - Prostitute
This Next one Hit a Mark!
“At Tu Candela, about ten other Secret Service agents joined Huntington, includingJoe Bongino, who was also married. Huntington and Bongino worked together on the agency’s Counter Assault Team. These are marksmen whose job is to stop any attack on the President when he’s in public. Agents say that the bonds among CAT members are extraordinarily tight, even within the famously fraternal Secret Service.”
Joe Bongino??? Is he related to Dan John Bongino?
YES, Dan Bongino has a Younger Brother Joe:
Inside Dan Bongino’s life, Including his wife and parents
Bongino was born on 4th December 1974 in Queens, New York City. After his parents divorced, Dan’s mom married a 6’5” 300-pound heavyweight boxer who was abusive towards Dan and hisyounger brother Joe.
Dan Was an Active Agent During this Scandal with his Brother. Was Dan There?
Dan Bongino - Secret Service agent from 1999 to May 2011
Is it Time for the Bongino Boys to Talk about the wild Obama WH Parties and What Roll Killary Played?
Dan left 1 year before the scandal