you know that Degree you have?
College Degree Thieves.
He's part of organization that's threatened every man woman an child's life on Earth. anybody protecting Bill gates is a fucking multinational terrorist.
The Police using VIOLENCE as a tool, to protect the multinational terrorists who conspire in propaganda, theft, terrorism, genocide and treason
it's a LIFE / DEATH
Gates, who, and everyone who protect them are fucking terrorists.
climate regulations are TERRORISM masking GENOCIDE
Anon challenges Facebookโs chief diversity officer Maxine Williams to a test.
put 100 people of different Race into a Room with no lights, Let Maxine Williams describe their Race.
After Maxine Williams finishes picking Each person's RACE correctly.
She can then do religion.
and then politics.
But if Maxine Williams makes ONE SINGLE MISTAKE,
She is exposed as a fucking RACIST FRAUD working the UN/NATO systemic racism playbook
I don't think Evergreen university is a good school
Ask you're college dean if nullifying all the degrees you earned is right for you.
Sir. on the resume sez you have a degree in SocialEnvoirnemtalJustice do you have a RECEIPT for you're degree?
10th Amendment vs BLM
When will anon call Wray by his proper Handle in the Senior Executive Service instead of FBI?
Take the "is anon lernin" challenge.
Drug addicted Lying depraved shit show
It leave a hopeless solution.
Not convinced the numbers are right
As long as smith mundt still exists:
0 is number
354 is a number
354 = 0
because a number = number
Gene Simmons Joins Bill Gates in exclusive club called no more Pussy on Earth.
Think about everyone that shakes their hand lol
Anon noticed from Housatonic Live
The Numbers RFK jr was using for Drug Over doses 109k comes from Smith Mundt Messaging proxying for the CDC (which I can like CDC to CCP)
The actual number's three times that shit.
RFK jr sez 109k opiod deaths
where he get number?
PBS? NPR? โฆ. CDCโฆ
CDC tainted by WEF/Gates/CCP
they UNDER state it by 3x the deaths.
Thus FAKE ASS smith mundt media and RFK jr are telling you 3x less deaths that happened.. And the MEdia aint' covering it really, I learned it from Housatonic.
Equator vs
The abbreviation "IQ" was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests at University of Breslau he advocated in a 1912 book
is the book on the SOUTH POLE y/N=?
is the book on the NORTH POLE Y/n=?
then the book must be stoopid by definition.
Equator Health (trees) vs
IQ health on NORTH POLE.
100% of CIA shouldn't exist if the 10th Amendment wasn't broken or ignored.
if AI is the real reason Twitter has become DARK TWITTER
Then AI is no friend of HUMANITY.
AI dumbs down Humanity.
Democracy Dies in AI darkness
I don't want a commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud to replace Feinstein.
Why does the US Military, The State Department and all the cops want it?
How do we know when our leaders are commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud
Two More weeks.