gotta be worried though.
if they can crash one plane, they can crash ten.
why just this one?
if they are desperate enough to blow one… what keeps them stopped?
gotta be worried though.
if they can crash one plane, they can crash ten.
why just this one?
if they are desperate enough to blow one… what keeps them stopped?
"dead cat bounce is a temporary recovery from a prolonged decline or a bear market that is followed by the continuation of the downtrend. The name "dead cat bounce" is based on the notion that even a dead cat will bounce if it falls far enough and fast enough."
whatever temporary victory the deep state thought they won with comping Wikileaks was just a carcass.
missing greater point, anon.
post is gone.
wl is comped.
but that's ok.
q team has the author.
ja is 'free'.
open source.
99% to hospital.
those who know won't be able to sleep
are uh. and i feel dumb for asking out loud.
are uh, real vampires really really real, and sneaking in everywhere all the time, and we've given permission through some effing eula?