Q: I like how you said that.
"Why are WE a threat to them?"
You've been speaking what I call, "The Language of Q" from the get-go.
It means a lot to all of us.
Q: I like how you said that.
"Why are WE a threat to them?"
You've been speaking what I call, "The Language of Q" from the get-go.
It means a lot to all of us.
The plane took of from the San Jose Airport.
That's right, it's time to feed the public.
We all knew that the start of the "feeding" had to be in enough time before the mid-terms.
No way could we give any of them a chance to slip through our fingers and gain control in DC.
I'll say this, even if nothing breaks before the mid-terms, I seriously doubt the win any majority.
Which also makes their nasty efforts until then very dangerous.
Drop them in the streets should they harm one single person.
I mean it.