Anonymous ID: 69c26a July 14, 2023, 8:41 p.m. No.19181989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The biggest reason Biden Admin is stealing from taxpayers to pay for student debt is not to buy votes, that's number two, number is to hide the outcome of 'woke' radical left universities generating low quality graduates with useless degrees that consumers don't want or need, thereby manifesting in widescale bankruptcies and poverty of the very generation the radical left wants to indoctrinate.

Without the bailouts, there would be an economic incentive for universities to offer degrees in fields that have a market demand, rather than a 'political' demand.

Therefore, by stealing from taxpayers, what otherwise would be economic forces compelling useful degrees is turned into an expansion of useless radical left ideology degrees, which is exactly what Biden's foreign handlers want for the American people.