Anonymous ID: 0c17fc July 15, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.19183213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The theory floated by Clif High was Trump is trying to win the narrative game within the limited space left by the cabal. That space and message was and still is: "the vaccines saved lots of lives, therefore I saved all those lives. All the studies and experts at the time say so. I never forced anyone, I always said people should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies."


The cabal literally cannot attack him other than "he's so vain". If he deviated from that message, showed any weakness at all in fact, even years later now – the media would crucify him and he loses. Anon concurs with the above. If Trump deviates with above message one iota, even to acknowledge vaccine harm, he is fucked in the narrative arena.


High believes Trump is trying to get normies to see and cheer (with our help) the real truth: Trump's "I saved millions of lives" is referring to the lockdown, not vaccine efficacy.


The lockdowns were supposed to run 6-10 YEARS until a vaccine could be 'developed'. Their supply chains obliterated, civilians decimated by deprivation. Millions would have died, the rest left weak and subservient. Masks and social distancing and variants were fall-back plans that faded in power. Bodies that were not weak survived the rushed vaxxx. Skepticism even through the blanket censorship grew and booster uptake was limited.


High theorized Trump can advance his narrative push iff he hears loud and raucous cheering at his rally when he proclaims "he saved lives, no one else could have done that" and he hears the crowd cheer specifically that "Trump saved us from the LOCKDOWNS!"


That spreading awareness would allow Trump to push further into the agenda space of the cabal.


Watch on 1.5x speed: