And if you are really curious about this
Then research …BANKING / money problems
And correlate those….with these
From Langley Virginia
They are here to help. See
Who would be the Jimmy Carter
That's going to be 2024 horse
Cause I sure see lots of
Similarities to the Nixon years
We even have a dumbass in as VP
Financial problems
We have seen it all before
Ford. Gerald. Nixon. V P
Dumbest fuck …next to Bydumb
Ever in white house
You just described
No manufacturing
No money
Perception that a holly wood actor is gonna save their ass
I do not have any animosity
Toward any
People's..or what they chose to believe
I do have a problem with the
FIAT. They drive
How about the thousands of
A whole multitude of religions
Just doin muh job …..
What do we manufacture
Car companies …and most all related
Toy companies …gone
The only thing made in America
Is the fuckin stickers
Apparently. You have nothing to prove your point
FIAT…is ded
We are down to 5 countries that will take dollars
Farms are all but extinct
But look over there
I have yet to see all the bodies
Show.me the bodies