Anonymous ID: f47e18 July 15, 2023, 7:46 a.m. No.19183641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642 >>3652

Defend Against Psyop

Knowing is Half the Battle: Knowledge of facts first hand! Do not trust media, Twitter, FB, TikTok! Remember they get paid for your attention!

Become the enemy: Put your empathy to work and become their mind for a short time to see how they see. This is hard as hell especially when the enemy is psychotic


Cultivate a List of Sources: Sources meaning tangible first hand accounts. Trusted non bias sources. Sources that you disagree with.

Beware the Mob: When you see a mob moving in one direction of thought, they are usually being herded that way. By who? Why? Think it through! Never get caught in the herd.

Don't jump to Conclusions: Emotional pictures and stories can overwhelm logical thoughts. This is an enemy Psyop tactic. Be self aware of your state of mind. Are you bored? Hopeless? Happy? Angry?

Write down the state of mind you are in before you read any piece of information.

Above all, beware of boredom!!!!


Question Authority: Question every source of “authority” This makes the psyoper job much harder. Anyone presented as an “authority” on a subject should be scrutinized. 90% are bullshit.

Consider the Other Side: Consider their goals personally and organizationally!

We often demonize peeps cause they want I create utopia using a different method. Consider why they think that method is best!

Detox:Your body creates chemical reactions to inputs. These inputs and reactions can be predictable and programmable! This is where next level Psyop comes into play!

Take time to sweat, read books, do math shit, pray, run, ect. You need to reset that nervous system or YOU could become the next!