Anonymous ID: d4cda7 July 15, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.19184907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'Faggotry is a contagious psyco-spiritual pathology, induced with porn, supported with ideology and marketed to NPCs with billions of dollars in advertising.


They had a pit in the bar where patrons would urinate and defecate on each other - this was in the old Mine Shaft Bar in NYC


NY homos would run tours of the place to horrify out of towner. Anon's informant in the matter was an NYPD officer who went in in daytime, off duty, to serve a civil subpoena on the manager. A veteran homicide detective of 30 years big city experience, to this day he says it's the only thing in a long career of demonic horrors that still gives him nightmares.


The Mineshaft and a successor club "Hellfire" were all of them OC/pedo cult social subversion operations with which the police were forbidden to interfere.


>The Mineshaft operated from October 8, 1976, until it was closed by the New York City Department of Health on November 7, 1985, although tax problems played a significant role in its closing.After it closed, six men, associated with both the Mineshaft and an affiliated heterosexual club, the Hellfire, were charged with a variety of crimes. Four pleaded guilty, former New York City police officer Richard Bell was convicted, and the sixth fled the country to escape prosecution.[22]


The Leather Archives and Museum holds the records of the Mineshaft