Anonymous ID: 45d059 July 15, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19185517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5518

>>19185175 lb

>>19185198 lb



Covid-19, vaccines, WW1/WW2, 'decarbonizing', all intentional by generating knowing omissions, lies and censoring the flow of information the people 'see', using 'assets' in the $trillions to do it.


The 'elite' (they're not 'elite' at all they're bringing themselves and everyone who trusts them into a world of a hell on Earth) are in this Anon's assessment closest philosophically as a 'Naturalist Hegelianism', in viewing themselves as having ontologically 'untethered' themselves from the 'fetters' of objectivity itself and are developing/perfecting themselves as 'g-d' realizing itself in their minds and bodies and 'control' over information qua information.


Of 'the' 'g-d' power manifesting in their bodies and minds in an absolutist way, bloodline/DNA/'new species', where they arrogate to themselves the ability to do what they themselves SPEAK is impossible/wrong for humanity.


These HUMANS are practising an IDEOLOGY whereby their own psychological devotion to an inner extreme division narrative, a dialectic of the 'thought' (one way to call it, 'Satan', the logic has many names in many languages), that the self's OWN finite, corporeal mortal body reality is imagined, and then it's imagined it 'isn't identical with' an omnipotent omniscient Godhead.


That 'dualism' is in an extreme form and manifests in believing that killing children is good because it hurts the information/narrative of humans being born in the image of God.


These predators are not invoking any 'I am replacing 'heavenly' God with 'earthly' natural 'non-dogmatic' will towards 'the beast', of 'Lucifer' , many names in many languages.

All they're really doing is operating what modern information discoveries would view as a 'thought-behavioral' inconsistency writ large, to be practised as a life long 'ritual' of death and destruction for what in 'Earthly' reality is all for the sake of money and power.


Anon asks: Why does ONE FAMILY NAME have control over that which finances/funds entire governments?

Massive moral hazard, incentive to lie, cheat and worse.

Recipe for corruption and criminal activity on scales of world wars.


Any system, if it has but one inconsistency, it will self-reflect on its inconsistency as having logically proved ANYTHING it could ever 'say' to be proved true by its own inner logic, divided from the world the same exact pattern it a prior divided within itself.


When the inner dialectic of division, of having such megalomaniacal pride in the 'true' self as 'God becoming itself', is thought in the extreme, it cannot help but SEE 'OFF TEAM BLOODLINE' CHILDREN AS 'FETTERS' merely because they were born into existence, have the capacity to develop an adult consciousness that is not their consciousness, and is hence a spiritual 'fetter' as well, a silent war accompanying and driving real deaths for money and power



Anonymous ID: 45d059 July 15, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19185518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Imagine a human being looking at you in the face and their philosophy is such that they actually believe they see in you their own 'worm like existence' of being 'only' a mortal across time and then death, and not an immortal God, where they have persuaded their own inconsistent selves that you are not only not of the same species as they imagine themselves to be when they imagine they're hurting and killing God by physically torturing and raping and killing children…

They look you in the eye and they believe 'you are merely in the way of my own existence, I don't see myself as having any obligation to refrain from killing you if I were convinced your voice would have a sufficient impact on what the people 'know' about 'me'.


Q+'s FIRST STRATEGY was to expose and discredit the fake news.

Now it makes more 'historical' VISUAL sense why the media voraciously attacked Q+.


The child trafficking/HUMAN TRAFFICKING globalist satanic cult knew that BY WAY OF INFORMATION, the role of POTUS had the legal constitutional authority to declassify literally any set of information the entire US government had in its possession.

The founders of the US structured POTUS role to be directly elected by the whole country as a backchannel to prevent internal civil and economic war leading to collapse and parts sold off to foreign nations as the wheel of ONE FAMILY CONTROLLING CENTRAL BANKS WORLDWIDE?


Federal Reserve sits on its own patch of land immune to the US laws?


If any one family controlled as many central banks worldwide as the Rothschild family did for multiple generations…it is a recipe for corruption because all the governments who are funded by the 'paper' 'digital ones/zeros' and that internally controlled family bloodline would become subject to 'the thought' of becoming 'gods over' the 'subjects' who are 'in the way' when they get too numerous and can procreate enough to collectively learn their own children are being hunted every generation, where IT ENDED UP HAPPENING that two world wars were orchestrated to kill off as many 'subjects' as possible, where the death tax (no more) just recirculated any 'off team bloodline' family, farm owners doesn't matter back into the government controlled system, thereby maintaining and prolonging the financial control over governments and therefore the people, and their children, adults today are all survivors of a global genocide in real time, 'hidden' behind a real narrative of distraction (fake news) and mass depopulatio events (wars, viruses).


The cult can't win when they're no longer 'trusted' either directly or de facto by ignorance in their victim's minds

Anonymous ID: 45d059 July 15, 2023, 3:36 p.m. No.19185943   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cult is powerless.


If they accuse Q+ they accuse Biden and former Presidents, Obama, Clinton, Bush and they all lose.


Of they don't accuse Q+, they lose once Q+ is reelected and the flood habbens, CIA child trafficking ops declassified, JFK murder docs declassified, with a single signature, then it's game over because 'they' will have lost THE 'CENTRAL' INTELLIGENCE infrastructure of the nation.

Then as domino, other countries where the CIA has operates will fall. One by one, the great awakening will take an informational form of a globalist cult of human traffickers, who traffic women and child for sex to the highest bidder, this Anon votes for fast trials, nuremberg 2.0, death penalties.

If they kill children, they have forfeited their right to live among God's children, all of us.