Anonymous ID: ef965b July 15, 2023, 4:17 p.m. No.19186265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>potus is delivering a different "type" of message

There's only 3 types, anyway. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Is this the ugly?

Anonymous ID: ef965b July 15, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.19186593   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. Intros

  2. Election is existential delimma

  3. Will win. Name changes "i think she's out of it now"-about Hillary

4.11-5-20204 God will be with us

5.Nuclear war.

6.Young hope destroyed. Gen Z has nothing.

  1. Energy from Venezuala

8.$7,400 x 4 lost under biden

  1. Invasion.

  2. Warriors can't let this happen. You will never yield. You will MAGA. Young Repubs.

  3. Greatest threat is from within. They would have never done that.

  4. Potato called z "vladimir.

  5. Your task is to take your country back. We will do it when I'm the 47th President of the United States of America.

  6. Charlie Kirk says record crowd

  7. Will quickly stop Joe Biden's inflation. American dream is dead.

  8. Stock market before covid

  9. Wuhan, we were right

  10. Take back our colleges from the radical left, using my leverages. Cut funding.

  11. Common sense is conservative.

  12. Shocked to see colleges

  13. Bud light, down 37 percent. Osmosis. Target, etc .

  14. Smash equity, diversity, etc accelerated degrees.

  15. Pay back that loan. Scotus biden

  16. Merit based system of education. Half marks won't be admitted. Most brilliance in the indoctrination centers.

Will fine and tax these racists.

  1. Make sure they teach english. We're gonna do a job. Pinpointed with parents.

  2. Bring back free speech. Amazong rulings. Cease and desist last week with biden admin and social media, election fraud. Rigged election. FBI twitter, DOJ. when we don't have strong elections or borders, we don't have a country.

  3. Young people. They want to have a great country. Polls are great. Fox-boos

  4. I was watching.

  5. Fox poll saus ahead by 50%

  6. Where is Ron?

  7. More yuge numbers and state shout-outs

  8. Plenty of money to pay you yo fight, that's what you do.

  9. Rigged or not, we'll figure that out

  10. "Natural" constituency

  11. Like unions

  12. Dems love our country. They will cross ober

  13. More poll. Dominating sanctimonious here in Fl. Insurance bill passed. They don't want someone that's down by 57 points.

  14. Support the party to destroy Joe Biden

  15. I love Tucker. Hope they didn't watch.

  16. One guy polled at 1. Zero with an arrow pointing left.

  17. Vote-gathering operation should be funded, not divide the party

  18. Vivek!

  19. Hill name change. Now beautiful. Joe gets crooked. 1 name at a time.

  20. Indicted and arrested during a campaign. This is witchhunt. Good reportage. Sean Hannity, Sarah Carter, 6 out of 10 for Tucker, now a 10. Jessie Waters. Rosie Odonnel. It-s not for me. Newsmax. Racheal duffy. Fox ain't all bad. It's atitudino

  21. They want to have a great country.

  22. Election Interference. Harder now without covid cover. Are now lifted. "IT'S ALL BULLSHIT". We are not going to allow them to cheat in the election of 2024. Charlie will protect multiple states.

Anonymous ID: ef965b July 15, 2023, 5 p.m. No.19186643   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let go like a fish that is too small. That fish will also swim back to the school where the ones with substance are. Strategies and tactics allow for us to let people go.