how to be anon
>probably sfo
go to google earth
look up sfo
find matching terrain
come back
say "Its SFO"
anons dont just guess. they Sherlock guess
how to be anon
>probably sfo
go to google earth
look up sfo
find matching terrain
come back
say "Its SFO"
anons dont just guess. they Sherlock guess
because humor is truth
co pilot or air marshall or guy in charge of the ops
first thought: who would be so stupid to take a photo of something illicit they were doing?
2nd thought: these people are stupid
3rd thought: but that stupid?
4th thought: ah, it was to send PROOF of ops
who sent the photo is less important than who the photo was being sent to. and NSA has both
I did several times yesterday
I really don't want to explain the whole October 2016 thing again, so let's just back each other up when we say
yes, wikileaks is comped
I did several times yesterday
I really don't want to explain the whole October 2016 thing
again, so let's just back each other up when we say
yes, wikileaks is comped